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I'm planning on making a few romance stories and two grimdark since I was kinda inspired by some stories in the Mlp:FiM fanfics like PinkieDash, TwiShy, or even RariJack.

Here's the list I'm doing:

The Cycle Of The Butterflies - ( Grimdark )

Soft Melodies - ( Romance , Cuddles/Flaky )

The one I chose to love - ( Romance, Petunia/Shifty and Splendid/Flaky )

Baking Contest - ( Grimdark, Inspired by the classic Mlp creepypasta of Cupcakes )

Grown to love her - ( Romance, Giggles/Russell , Flaky/Lifty and Lammy/Truffles )

The Bride of the Beast - ( Romance, Lifty/Flaky, Inspired by Bride of Discord and Beauty and the Beast)


I also had plans on adding more ships if I did, since some I did Headcanon a few ships like:

(You can just skip this if you don't like this)

Lifty/Flaky - Former friends in kindergarten and clearly are still friends despite their main goals

Giggles/Russell - There were some episodes/scenes on where the two were on a date and it's clearly underrated

Cuddles/Flaky - Best friends but they clearly love each other


Probably I won't be as much as active in the following months since Making stories are not repetitive and not as rushed since I was gathering a few information on the internet like:

- How to portray an toxic relationship in a fanfic - (From Misunderstanding You)

- How to gaslight - (I think I might not add this to portray a well written character gaslighting a fan favorite character)

- How to portray characters having disorders properly - (Since I hc that some characters has a few disorders especially flaky, who, has 2-4 disorders and a few phobias)


Also, you can comment on your favorite ship with a sub-genre like: Grimdark, Romance, Angst, AU,  Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Slash/Femslash.

No PwP (P-word with Plot) and Smut/Lemon since I'm very uncomfortable doing those kind of stuff, but I can just do them with unexpected marriage or pregnancy. (Though, I'm also very uncomfortable doing unexpected pregnancy but I guess an fic with the next generation child in a fic is kinda good despite people hating the trope of pregnant main characters)

That all and thanks for reading this A/N, which was unexpected too (Lmao)

- S1lverFrenzyy

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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