Misunderstanding You

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Language: English

Genre: Angst

Ship: Flaky X Flippy/Fliqpy (Prob a toxic one with angst), A slight mention of Lifty X Flaky

Tags: Ppl might hate me for Headcanoning Flippy being an abuser, Toxic Ship of FlippyXFlaky, Lifty needs a special someone, The hate might be doubled


The day was warmer than usual, clearly more warmer, causing a few people getting some heat stroke, the heat was burning their skin, causing little sweats that creeped onto your skin when you're working out too much...

A small but happy town was bustling with crowds of people doing their usual shopping, as much, ice cream sales have been going up due to the heat and in fact, a few ice cream shops had 50% discounts as the people never hanged around the ice cream stuff, including cro-marmot's truck, which was very very cold at that point, no-one knows why, but a certain raccoon know...

 "Geez, flaky, why are you so..." "I know, I'm just...Hurt, I know you two don't help people but..." Flaky said, her hands and body are covered in stab wounds as she was either stabbed by someone or she did it to herself...

Her mind spaced into the back of her mind, her eyes rasped as the memory kept replaying that very same scene with her "Boyfriend" as she kept holding on into their relationship...

 "You know, you should've break up with him..." Lifty said, he was trying to bandage up the rest of flaky's wounds, his voice was concerned rather than be cocky...

 "But...You know, I love him...I can't just let him go...Not after that night..." Flaky said, her eyes started forming a few tears, her mind kept reminding her date before and the aftermath...

 "I know, but you know...You could find someone as kind as me...And not as Shifty, he's just made out of pure confidence and pure bull-crap you could imagine..." Lifty said, he gave her a loving stare at her eyes, knowing that her "Boyfriend" was quite the heavy abuser towards her...

In a moment, she started to giggle softly, her voice was all like jingle bells to his ears as Lifty also started giggling, and started to have a tickle fight with her, laughing under the sun and into the small but cozy warm house of flaky, causing the two to have a tickle fight for at least 4 hours...

 "Hahaha, you really go me there , Lifty...You're now crowned as the tickle master..." Flaky said, catching her breath as she spoke, her eyes lovingly gazed at his, knowing that the two had perfect chemistry, the two maintained their pride on their faces as they laughed it off from their tickle fight...

 "Thanks flaky, I don't know what else I'll do...And...I hope you have a good time with your...Boyfriend" Lifty said, his voice trailed from a happy mood to an angry mood as he spoke the last sentence...


Flippy returned from his duty as a soldier and got home and rested onto the couch, he woke up as he saw flaky making some pancakes, he knew that those were his favorite...

He quickly got up and hugged her into a blissful arrogance, she hugged back, causing her to blush slightly at that moment...

 "I knew you were making my favorites..." Flippy said, kissing the porcupine's left cheek as she blushed...He wanted her to know how much he loves her as possible...

 "I know, flips, the relationship from friends to lovers is...A bit too much time for us to develop an actual relationship...Besides, your PTSD is also...A bit alarming since you would flip out..." Flaky said, her voice was all but loving and a bit concerned due to flippy's PTSD and that could cause a major downfall on their relationship...

 "Oh shush, who would say something as that? The real flippy is always kind, generous, loving, trustful, and always speaking the truth, a stepping stone is a healthy relationship is by trusting them and loving them no matter their condition!" Flippy explained, he hummed as he did as he settled two plates down as they got ready to eat those delicious pancakes flaky made, her smile was the sight to see, her eyes lovingly stared at his with pure affection...

Everything was so perfect right..?


 "F-flips...Please stop..." Flaky whined, her voice trembled in fear and in pain as she got stabbed in the leg again...

 "Oh, of course, you would say those bullshits...I am the real Flippy, you're just a stepping stone for my growth, you're always saying that! You're just a sweet little weakling just for me, you're the only reason why I'm dating you for fame, jealously and hatred! You're not a famous person I would like, you're just that stupid little porcupine I know...I wish I didn't date you..." Flippy said, as he did, he continued stabbing her in the leg and in the upper chest...Causing her to whimper softy, she imagined why did she dated him...

She cried softy, her eyes glazed with mercy and forgiveness as she wanted all of this to end...

Her heart pounded faster each minute as the stabbing continued, she tried to say something, but soft whimpers and yelps were the only ones she made as she wishes everything to end completely, wanting a good boyfriend rather than an abusive one was quite the words she wanted to say...

 "I saw you and Lifty doing those tickle fights earlier...The main reason why I didn't intervene was because I had work to do...You were cheating on me right?!" Flippy yelled, he wanted some answers on why on earth did she invited Lifty to her home and had a tickle fight...

 "But...He was helping me..." "Overcome your abusive state? The hell you saying...I wish Lammy was much better than you in terms of dating!" Flippy yelled as he stormed off the room, leaving an injured flaky whining onto the floor...

Flaky closed her eyes as she felt the pain from her legs and her chest, pounding as her heartbeat kept saying that she should've broken up with him, her mind raced that if he continued down this abusive path, he could've killed her in the spot as she cried silently...

 "I'm sorry, lifty...I should've...Told you that I...I liked you from the beginning...I-I wished that we could've...Hanged around more...If shifty wasn't...A bastard..." Flaky said, her voice trembled as quietly in the looming darkness...


(PS: I don't know how to imply an toxic relationship in this story, I could've made it longer, but my fingers hurt as my brain isn't braining much information when I was making this)

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