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Word Count: 1813


Eventually the train settles into the city station and I hurry off onto the platform. People pass me by, not sparing a glance.

I'm grateful for it...were they to spend too much time examining me, they would realise immediately that I originate from a different pack.

The air is cool yet pleasant as I make my way down onto the street. It makes me grateful for my long sleeves. I'm also grateful for the city lights glittering from around me, illuminating my path.

Any concerns for finding my way to Alpha Varian's estate are quickly smothered as all I need to do is look south, and up beyond the heights of the buildings.

A grand building is seated upon a grassy hill, overlooking all that is controlled by its occupant.

Lights emerge from its depths, reaching out into the night sky, stealing away any glimpse of the stars. They are tinted a haunting blood red, giving me all the indication I need that there is a party occurring within its walls.

Hiking up my skirts I start off toward it.

Music drifts through the narrow streets, curling around me. I can feel the intangible tug, encouraging me to quicken my step as to make it to the party sooner.

Perhaps it's magic, or maybe it's my excitement. Either way, my steps feel lighter, like I could float were I to put my mind to it.

I see few people on my journey. Most are heading in the same direction as me, arms interlinked with their friends, their joyous laughs filling the night air.

Such a sight would be impossible to see in my home pack...even in the largest city.

I try not to pay their garb much mind. It's glaringly obvious I'm not going to fit in at this party, and my fears are very much confirmed when I make it to the foot of Varian's magnificent estate.

The building sits up a paved driveway, a sprawling fence and gate bordering the perimeter.

The guards standing post barely spare me a glance as I trudge up the grassy hill, taking in the extent of Varian's estate. It is large and sprawling, dotted with trees on a well-manicured lawn.

However, nothing pulls attention like the towering white stone building, narrow spires rearing into the sky, smothered by darkness.

My cheeks flush at the inordinate marble statue standing proud before the manor. A pool of water surrounds it, water spouting up before cascading hypnotically, coloured red and gold. The statute is of a naked woman and man in an embrace, their private areas heavily detailed.

What am I doing here?

I can't pay regret much mind as I notice the gaping front door. People stand in line before it, guards letting some in while turning away others.

I quickly fall into line. Those ahead of me glitter and sparkle, their outfits jingling like tiny magical bells.

I take them all in, so enraptured I don't notice that I've made it to the front of the line.

Two guards stand post, clipboards in hand, assessing me keenly. I look past them, feel the thrum of music, seeing lights flashing beyond the gauzy curtain that hides the party from view.

Within seconds I'm denied entry.

According to the guards my outfit isn't on theme and I don't seem prepared well enough. They encouraged me to return home and not to look back.

Which is exactly what I'm not going to do.

Breaking away from the entrance to the house, I wander around the side of the building, letting the shadows engulf me.

The dull thud of music echoes beyond the wall I run my hands along as I attempt to find an alternative entrance.

My hand snags on a doorknob I catch sight of. It's attached to a side door I imagine is frequented by staff during the day time. A tug on it reveals its securely locked, which I figured considering the lack of guards around this side.

Slumping against the wall, I slide down it until my backside lands against the cobblestone path.

Defeat pulls all the energy from my limbs, adding what feels like a couple pounds more weight to them. I've come all this way only to not be let in.

What a momentous waste of time.

The door opens suddenly to my right, nearly smacking me square in the face. I edge away, watching a tall, slender man emerge into the night.

I startle, pressing my back against the wall, hoping he doesn't notice me.

There is something spectacular about him as he releases a rough breath, turning only to catch sight of me shamelessly cowering atop the cobbled path.

The moment his eyes touch mine, a feline smile prowls his face. I can only gape at him, confounded at the sudden attention he graces me with, as if I'm worlds below him.

He's noble in both garb and disposition, uncannily tall and slim, wearing a close cut suit. The jacket and trousers are a carmine red while the shirt below is black. Gold jewellery drapes off him, as vibrant and lavish as his demeanour.

I have never seen this man in my life, but he looks as important as he is expensive.

"Let me guess, you caught your lover in the midst of a torrid love affair?" His drawls, his accent thick and luxurious. "No? Perhaps a friend betrayed you?"

I frown, taken aback. "What are you talking about?"

I force myself up, using the wall to keep my trembling legs from giving.

There's a deceptively unique element about his appearance. Perhaps it's the pale silver hair that is buzzed to the scalp, or the gaunt cheek bones that make him appear grand and haunted.

It's unattractive in a oddly alluring, dangerous way. There is something cruel in those vivid blue eyes that warns me to shrink back.

"I was just trying to ascertain why someone could possibly be sad on the best night of the year." He taps a slender finger against his lips thoughtfully.

My shoulders slump defeatedly. "I can't find my way in."

He looks away. "The staff entrance is around the back."

I gape at him silently. I'm not ashamed of my job, but the way he says it so flippantly, dismissing as if I'm not worth much of his time.

"I'm not staff, asshole," I growl.

"Oh." He frowns faintly, casting a look at me sideways. "Lost on the way to church, perhaps?"

"I'm trying to get in, but I was turned away at the door," I snap. "If you're going to stand there and be rude, it would be nice if you didn't speak."

I look away haughtily. This man feels important, but that doesn't give him the right to speak down to me. Unless he plans on killing me amongst the depths of the shadows, I have no reason to fear him.

He's silent long enough for me to risk another glance. He's surveying me with renewed interest, a heat in his eyes that transfers to my skin.

"I'm afraid you're not on theme," he murmurs.

I look downward, my eyes taking in his gaudy signet ring. Black, with snake shaped adornment that is gold with emerald green eyes. That isn't on theme either.

I rub my arm. "I'm very aware."

"How about this? You come through this door with me, and we can have a dance." He opens the door a little wider, rich music spilling out into the night air.

From my angle I can't see in, but I can imagine it's glorious. As tempting as it is to accept his offer, dancing with this noble stranger seems like a dangerous idea.

"Is there not a reason you came out here?" I query.

"Fresh air, and to escape desperate characters." His smile speaks of far greater sins than words could convey. "Come dance with me. Once you're in, you cannot be removed by the guards.

I'm assuming the desperate characters he's mentioning are people throwing themselves at him for either sexual gratification or a need to be in the presence of obvious nobility.

"I don't wish to dance." I fold my arms pointedly. "Why are you asking me?"

He arctic blue eyes glide over me, starting at the hem of my dress that brushes against my ankles, making their way up until they finally settle on my face, which is flaming red from his deliberate assessment of me.

"I like your dress."

"Do you like it, or the fact you can't see beneath it?" I challenge.

This amuses him, his eyes sparkling. There's a vaguely minacious quality about him that is both unnerving and appealing in some fucked up way.

"Perceptive," he purrs. "My name is Claude, by the way, and you are spectacular to gaze upon. Join me?"

"No, thank you."

He sighs. "Fine, take this."

He slides his hand into his pocket, producing a shiny black slip with jagged edges and embossed silver lettering. He announces his offer with such exaggerated exasperation, suspecting that this slip is what I've been holding out for.

I immediately pluck it from his fingertips, surveying it in the fuzzy light.

It's real, looking exactly like the slip belonging to the girl on the train, although this one signifies something far more important.

"A black slip?" I gape at him, astonished. "You know the Alpha?"

The slip allows a person to access all levels of the palace, which according to the girls on the train, means being able to meet the Alpha. I was told only the Alpha himself or his close confidants can hand them out.

"He's a close friend of mine, but don't let that bother you. I want you to myself tonight." The seductive tug of the corners of his mouth upwards makes my stomach flip. "Come through this door and have your fun. When you are ready, venture to the top level where I'll be waiting in the billiard room."

"I don't want to do anything with you," I bring up warily, wondering if holding this slip means I'm unwittingly consenting to being his plaything for the evening.

"I'll simply give you a tour of the palace." He winks. "I'll behave myself, I promise."

The slip suddenly feels weighted with lead in my hand. "O...okay."

His answering look is subtly triumphant, like he feels as though he's earnt me. Seducing the girl in a foamy pink dress who is lost in the tidal wave of this unfamiliar world is likely an accomplishment only the most bored nobles would dare chase.

"See you soon."

He departs swiftly, leaving me standing amongst shadows wondering what I just agreed to.


As always, you can read this book 16 chapters ahead on Inkitt and 10 chapters ahead on Radish!

As always, you can read this book 16 chapters ahead on Inkitt and 10 chapters ahead on Radish!

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