Chapter 8

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As the humans stop fishing, the fish came back.
And in the water penguins were in the water, as Mumble and Gloria swim around the water.
As they were facing each other. "Mumble." Gloria said, happily as their becks wear touching each other, but they were smacked away by Seymour, and Laila as they were chase fish.
"Oh, yeah." Seymour said as he and his Mate leap on the ice surface.
As the every emperor penguin was sing and Dancing.

"Looking back to when I was a little nappy- headed boy." Every penguins sings
As chick's were eating fish, and chick's were throwing fish to the adults.
"It's like a jungle somtimes. It makes me wonder how I keep from going under." Seymour raps as he and Laila were dancing with their sing class.
As Mumble and other penguins did a back flip.
Even the elders were dancing, as the leader Noah was kicking Lovelace in the air.
"Oh yeah. Bring it on. Go Ahead." Lovelace said.
As Memphis was dancing with his wife.

As Laila and Seymour was dancing with Mumble and Gloria.
As they ended the song, Laila and Seymour look at each other in their eyes.
Know that things are going to change.

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