• Sensizlik - Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

Asi wiped the cool gel off her stomach with a paper towel and then adjusted her dress before sitting on the chair. She raised her brows in restlessness, waiting for the doctor in front of her to speak, "is everything okay?" she couldn't wait anymore.

"Asi'cim, the complications we had discussed with you earlier seem to show up now," the doctor carefully explained.

Asi's hand unconsciously went to her stomach with a sudden need to feel her baby close, as her doctor's words began to sink in, "but I've done everything to avoid the complications. I made sure to follow every precaution you told me to take." Her voice was laced with panic, turning so small that she sounded like a lost little child. She couldn't understand what she had done wrong. She had done everything to protect her child, she took every step so cautiously, so carefully. Where did she fail?

"First of all, take a deep breath and try to calm down please," the doctor tried to subside the panic that rose in her, "you have done nothing wrong. These complications were expected with your history we discussed."

"Due to your previous surgery, the uterus' ability to expand has been reduced. That is why you have been noticing a decrease in the baby's movement."

"The baby isn't able to move properly?" Asi asked. They had discussed the likelihood but she had foolishly hoped she would defeat the possibility of the complications happening.

"Yes... and the pressure of previous scars is also the reason for the recent pains you are experiencing." She heard the doctor but frankly, she didn't care about the pain. That was the last thing on her mind. She could handle it all if it meant for her baby to be safe.

As the doctor explained further while answering all her questions, Asi couldn't help but feel herself stressed even more. How was she going to handle this all? How will she protect her baby from something that wasn't even in her hands?

"There can be chances of preterm labor and in case the condition worsens, we might have to go for early surgery as well, if necessary." Asi almost wanted to ask the doctor to stop talking as she looked at her unable to comprehend half of her words. What was she saying? These words were too heavy for her to hear and she didn't know how to react over them. Everything was going wrong. Her 30th week had just started, was it not too early to even talk about the delivery? She couldn't help but ask.

"We will be doing regular check-ups from now on but you still have to be mentally ready for all situations. I know this is hard for you, Asi, but unfortunately, we have to be prepared for everything."

"My baby... she will be fine, right?" say yes, just say yes. Say there is no danger... the only thing she wanted to hear right now. She just needed to hear this and then she would tolerate everything that comes her way. She would find the strength to endure it all, somehow.

"The baby seems fine, right now, but as time progresses you may face more difficulties. We have to strictly monitor your condition in the upcoming weeks to make sure everything stays well. Just keep yourself hydrated and make sure not to overexert yourself in the meantime"

Asi nodded. As much as she wanted to feel relieved, she couldn't. The danger was not ruled out and there was a very sinking feeling in her that said things were not going to be well. She rubbed her hands in nervousness and stood up to leave, "teşekkür ederim."


Alaz looked around, blinking his eyes to clear his blurred vision. Everything was hazy. What was happening? He stood up straightaway as last night sunk into him.


Asi was here... he could swear he had felt her presence while he was asleep. She was so close. She was definitely here before he woke up.

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