²⁰ i'll teach you

238 2 6

tw: v0m!t

The next day was slightly cooler than the rest of the week, it was still like being in an ove. My head spun, and I was sweating bullets, but there was a light breeze that fanned my hair from my face, and miniscule goosebumps prickled my skin.

The only downside to the breeze was that the dirt and sand kept getting blown directly into our faces, so I had accidentally consumed an embarrassing amount of dirt. A sick feeling washed over me as I headed back to camp, Squid and Magnet by my side.

"Dude, you good?" The Latina boy asked as I rested a hand on my stomach. I briskly nodded before I felt my mouth fill with saliva, and I sprinted to the toilet shacks.

I threw the door open and fell to my knees, gagging. Someone knocked on the door as I was still puking, so when I didn't answer, I heard my favourite voice call out, "Birdie? You okay in there?"

"Not really, can you get Penda-" I retched again before I could finish speaking. I heard the boy retreat, and a minute later, return with who I hoped was 'Dr' Pendanski.

"Y/n? That you in there?" no, actually. it's j lo.

I couldn't even reply before another bout of sickness came over me. The unlocked door creaked open, sunlight flooding the tiny room.

After another few minutes , I stopped throwing up with an audience. I turned and squinted up at Mom, who had just stood there the entire time, occasionally suggesting what could be wrong with me to Alan. Magnet had probably ditched at the thought of me puking.

I wiped my mouth with a tissue before stumbling past him and taking a seat on the ground. I rested my head between my knees and Pendanski ran off and came back with a first aid kit.

He gently lifted my head and took my temperature. "102°. You're burning up, kiddo." I began humming 'Burning Love', by Elvis Presley. I was surprised to find it helped with the sick feeling I had in my stomach.

He got out a little light and shone it in my eyes, what for, I don't have a clue. I decided to let him have his moment and play doctor though.

"D'y'know what's wrong with her?" the boy beside me, who had been worriedly staring, questioned.
Ignoring him, Pendanski began to question me. "Do you feel dizzy? Tired? Thirsty? Are your arms cramping, or do you feel really sweaty?"

I replied yes to all of them, aside from crampy limbs. "Well, you've got heat stroke, kiddo." he sighed and stood up, gesturing for me to follow him. Squid held an arm around my side and helped walk me to the tent.

I was instructed to lay down, wear minimal layer, stay hydrated, and put an ice pack behind my neck. Mom left after dropping a spare ice pack on my stomach and patting me on the head. Squid sat at my feet for a while before I fell asleep.

When I woke up, he was gone and Caveman was sat on his bed reading a letter. Keeping my eyes shut so I didn't get too busy, I listened to his and Zero's conversation.

"... feel sorry for the little old lady who lived in the shoe, 'cause it must've smelt really bad." Stan read out. When Zero didn't respond he began to explain the nursery rhyme to him. "You know.. I feel really uncomfortable with you reading over my shoulder like that.." Stan awkwardly told the boy.

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