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Disclaimer/Legal Trash. I do not own any part of the Harry Potter franchise, its associated characters, or the images used for the cover. What is mine, you ask? Well, any Original Characters (OCs) who stumble their way into this story. Also, any made-up locations that aren't canon. Oh, and this particular fanfic, of course. Please don't sue me, okay? Cheers!


The 22nd of June in the year 1962,

Narcissa possessed a discerning eye, particularly for the finer details, especially when compared to her sisters. Thus, she was quick to discern that something was amiss with her eldest sister. Bella had become markedly more irritable and easily provoked—more so than ever before—yet Narcissa couldn't settle her quandary for her. Indeed, she has neither influence nor say when it comes to family matters such as this. Consequently, she couldn't wholly fault her for acting out this way.

The life of a distinguished pureblood woman was fraught with numerous dilemmas; it did not help that Bella was the eldest of the sisters of The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. Avoidance was futile, really, as the prestige and wealth accompanying their family name were certain to attract a myriad of marriage prospects. Father certainly never missed an opportunity to remind them of this fact. Bella would simply have to maintain her humility and conduct herself with the utmost propriety in her impending marriage alliance with the Lestrange family.

As was the Black family's motto to remain Toujours Pur, they risked having their portraits burned from the family tapestry and enduring abandonment and social isolation if they dared to act outside the established customs of their household. It was also their legacy to widen their familial influence by reproducing heirs, thereby strengthening their hold within the Ministry and, consequently, pureblood society as a whole.

Bellatrix treasured and revelled in their birthright and status. However, she loathed the thought of being a mere puppet and nothing more than a broodmare to anyone, especially through the likes of an arranged marriage. Narcissa was well aware of her sister's youthful ambitions and aspirations, desiring to make a name for herself beyond traditional obligations. Despite her encouragement to pursue her desires, all she could offer was her presence and sisterly love, as Bella broke down and wept as the arrangement befell its final verdict.

Uncle Orion was displeased with her reaction and insisted she cease her dramatic and 'unpleasant' attitude toward the alliance. He argued that this was the sole duty of women from the House of Black, who had for generations sacrificed to maintain their meticulously curated bloodline. Consequently, having had enough, he gave Bella an ultimatum to choose between the families: Lestrange or Rosier. This directive brought an end to her hysterics; after all, Rosier was five times her senior and a close relative from their mother's side of the family tree.

A month has passed, and that whole ordeal has remained a poignant circumspection for Narcissa. She could only hope she would not be forced to arrive at such a conclusion—where she must choose between her obligations and her own autonomy. But now she had a mission. 

"Bella..." She called out for her sister.

"Narcissa, not now!" Came the reply of her elder sister, hidden against opaque silvery-green bed hangings.

"Bella, I know you're going through a lot right now, but please. Talk to me. I'm always here to listen; you'd know that. No judgement, no prying, only full-fledged confidentiality." With gentle care, she drew back the curtains to catch a glimpse of Bellatrix's face. Not one to display vulnerability, her sister quickly wiped away traces of tears.

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