The Farewell Party

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Pov: Iris Carter


A loud scream interrupted my dreamy vision and suddenly, everything disappeared. I was back— to the hall I came in, not long ago. I looked in the direction of the light orbs that were right infront of me, and they had disappeared as well.

"Why the heck have you been ignoring my calls?"

I flinched at the yelling voice of Sharry and came back to my senses.

"I'm sorry Sharry, I was finishing up my final rehearsal", I said.

"Which I must inform, you're already late for", she replied in a worrying tone.

I checked the time and realised that my staging was exactly in one-and-a-half minute.

Before I could process anything that happened a while ago, I ran to get my performance done as soon as possible.

The curtains withdrew and revealed me in a slow and steady, dramatic manner. So smooth, like a river that flows, my presentation was practically perfect.

Well the credit goes to the regular rigorous classes of the old-fashioned ballet teacher in the Rue De Rivoli.

My moves were in sync with the mellow beats, however, my mind wasn't in sync with anything at all. What happened in the hall was constantly bothering me. I tried to concentrate on only dancing but my brain just wouldn't.

I ended the performance with the swiftest one-legged swirl and had the entire audience awestruck and applauding. Well that was a usual thing for me.

I went backstage and calmed myself while the host started speaking.

" Marvellous, wasn't it?"

I looked back. The Hazel eyes that remind you of the spring. The perfectly sculpted face with aesthetically pleasing messy dark blonde hair. Ofcourse it was the Great Ethan Wilson.

"Sorry, did you say something Mr. Wilson?", I asked.

"You can just call me Ethan, you know.", said Mr. Wilson with a seemingly coy tone.

"No thanks sir", I replied hastily with a sarcastic smile plastered over my face.

"Oh! That's disappointing, you do realise that the girls die just to hear this from my pretty mouth, right?"

"Well I don't and I don't care sir. You're elder than me AND formally at a higher position plus I have no intentions at all to be informal with a person like you."

Pov: Ethan Wilson

She walked away before I could even reply. I came to compliment her performance but she doesn't seem to be somebody interested in hearing them I guess.

"With a person like you"…Interesting…isn't it? Well I'm the guy every girl drools over. A girl like her in a crowd of crazy fangirls? Well damn that girl is hella addictive...

She has always been though. I remember back in the middle school. Wanna hear a story? Well on the first day of mine in Prime Riverdale School, I was getting bullied for being a new student, and she was my saviour.

12 years ago…

Student 1: Oh look! Here's the new guy!

Student 2: Hey idiot, why is your hair so messy?
*Grabs little Ethan's hair*

Little Ethan: They've always been like that. Please leave it hurts.
*The group of students started laughing hysterically*

Student 3: (Sarcastically) Aw poor baby is hurting! Why are you guys doing this? Leave him you cruel people!
Student 2: (Sarcastically) Oh I'm so sorry!
*Pulls little Ethan's hair harder then pushes him towards the muddy pond*

Little Ethan: O-ouch!

[Little Ethan falls on the ground with a thud and his knees start to bleed. The bullies, laughing like monsters approach and start to kick the poor guy. With no hopes in his heart, he cries and begs for the bullies to stop. The bullies, mercilessly increase the intensity of his pain with every second that passed by.]

Little Ethan: Stop-p…p-plea-se…I…c-can't…

[His eyes begin to lose focus. His vision starts to become blurry and eventually his eyelids shut. The bullies, on realising they might have killed him, feel nervous and leave the pitiful Ethan lying on the ground.]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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