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Aizawa: I don't know why but I want to scold Toriyama for give a reckless to problem nephew. It's too much to him he just a kid but give hellish training.

Nezu: No one in this world train like Touma did to Izuku before.

Momo: But the result of training give a lot of result to him.

Ejiro: He knew what Izu-bro want. He admire Toriyama and want to be strong like him.

Mineta: Why he want to become stronger only he has powerful quirk is enough why would he give a shit about quirkless training?

Denki: That's why you failed on quirkless fight you midget. Do you really think your quirk will help you every situation?

Mineta: No

Denki: That's right everyone couldn't rely on their quirk  and the reason why sensei train about quirkless fight so we can deal something that we couldn't use our quirk.

Mineta: But......

Denki: No wonder why you get the last place for test about quirkless fight.

Everyone gasp for hear Denki's word especially Kyoka since he always idiot but he said something that really the point he want to talk.

Denki: Huh?

Kyoka: Are you really Kaminari?

Denki: Of course I am

Aizawa: You really get the point.

Denki: Izuku help me a lot of study and control my quirk so I won't be dump anymore but only when I'm at my limit from using my quirk.

Nezu: And his grade really improve and I think he gonna be top 10 of class.

Top Ten: Shit........

Nezu: Let's dig a deeper about their strength.

Hisashi: Hai it's Tokoyami.

Tokoyami: Sweet it's call: Remember the name

Song start


They saw Touma just beating thugs who about to did a crime but Touma stop it and this is not Izuku in video.

Touma: I made some for my own for you Izuku. To know more about me.

Touma saw villains show up and they jump for hit him but Touma smash all of them with one hit and who still didn't jump saw it with fearful in his eye.

Touma saw villains show up and they jump for hit him but Touma smash all of them with one hit and who still didn't jump saw it with fearful in his eye

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Villain1#: Am I mistaken?? Why is it that I see someone like him???

Touma: Stop what you do and go find a legit job!!!


Touma: They want help and if no one help then I will.

Izuku's secret and his savior (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now