☾The Bathroom☽

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I stared at the razor.
It was a galette-lab pro blade, and it had cost me 12 gacha-bucks. It was black, with two, parallel green lines going up the side. The handle was just long enough to hold it in the capacity of your fist, while not short enough to risk cutting yourself. Not that it mattered. I was going to hurt myself anyway. I squinted at the sharp blade through the darkness. I had turned the lights off, it made it easier. Then I began my game. "Enie meenie minie mo.." I mumbled to myself. As I did this, I trailed my finger up my arm, over my scars, choosing which which one to reopen. I finally rested my hand on an old scar, one from at least at a month ago. My mum wasn't home. I can't remember where she went. My brother was..at a sleepover? I think.. I don't know. All I care about is that they've gone, and I won't get caught. I brought the razor to my upper elbow, and, trying not to shake my hand, brought down the blade. As I dragged it down, bright red blood trickled down from a fresh gash.
That should have been it.
But today was.. different. No one at school talked to me, daisy was on holidays, and the cyber bullying from Zoe was way worse then normal today. I know why. We got our exams back today. I did well in mine, since the incident all I've had to do was study, and it took my mind off things. Anyway, apparently Zoe got the worst in the year, 13%. She failed. So she took it out on me. Back to the present.
One strike should have been enough. But today it wasn't. Today, it was two. But.. two felt so good. So then it was three. "But threes an odd number," says my brain, so it's four. "But fours your unlucky number!" So it's five. And five turns to six, six turns to seven, and soon brain says "well you might as well just keep going now," so I did. I kept going. Even when it got foggy, I kept going. Even when it got hard to breathe, I kept going. Even when I started to feel myself slipping from the bathroom stool, and dropping to the ground, and the grey mist in my head flashed black and white, I kept going.
I kept going.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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