Living a quiet place (Part 2-2)

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Ragatha sits at her piano, thinking about what she agreed to "A-A dance with Pomni..!" Ragatha mumbles to herself and smiles "A dance with Pomni!" Ragatha says again but louder, she gets up and jumps up and down. "A dance with Pomni! Let's go!!" Ragatha says happily, Ragatha stops jumping and lays on her bed realizing something. "I need a new dress, I can't just wear this dress. I need one that can impress Pomni!"
Ragatha says to herself, thinking quiet.

"What about that red dress? No red on red is weird, what about the yellow sunflower dress? What happens if she doesn't like sunflowers? What about a green dress? What am I, a Christmas tree? What about a pink one? Too similar to red but it a option, what about blue? Red and blue isn't bad.. It reminds me of Pomni..." Ragatha thinks, and says out loud "Blue it is!"

Ragatha stands up and walks to her closet, opening it fast. She looks around, taking in all the colors in there. Later she pulls a beautiful blue dress out and she looks at the size "medium? Damn if I was a boy I'll be able to wear this." Ragatha chuckles softly as she says that. She walks to her mirror and says "I'll resize it! That's easy" Ragatha walks to her sewing machine and sits down in the chair. She starts resizing the dress into an extra large, after 3 hours her hands fall asleep and so does she.

6 hours later, Pomni knocks on the door. Ragatha wakes up and gets up, walking to the door. She opens the door and waves at Pomni "Hi.." Pomni says as she walks closer to Ragatha "Could we hug..?" Pomni asks, Ragatha holds her arms out. Pomni smiles and walks into Ragatha's arms, wrapping her arms around Ragatha. Ragatha hugs Pomni and smiles, Pomni looks up at Ragatha and says "Y-You're really... Pretty..." Ragatha turns red as well as Pomni. Ragatha replies "Y-You are too...!" Pomni tightens the hug and asks "C-Can I come.. In..?" Ragatha nods and they walk inside, she closes the door and an awkward silence fills the room.

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