Chapter 3

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The days turned into weeks, and Wonyoung’s excitement for her daily visits to the café only grew.

Each note she received was more thoughtful and heartfelt than the last, creating a tapestry of compliments and encouragement that brightened her days. Yet, the identity of her secret admirer remained a mystery.

Sunghoon’s anxiety and anticipation increased with every note he wrote. He knew that Wonyoung was trying to discover who was behind the messages, and he felt the pressure mounting. But the sight of her smile whenever she found a new note made it all worthwhile.

One crisp morning, Wonyoung walked into the café, the bell above the door announcing her arrival as usual. She waved at Sunghoon, who was already preparing her favorite cappuccino.

“Good morning, Sunghoon!” she greeted him cheerfully.

“Morning, Wonyoung. The usual?” he asked, returning her smile.

“Yes, please,” she replied, watching him as he worked. There was something calming about his presence, something that made her feel at ease.

As Sunghoon prepared her drink, he discreetly slipped another note under the cup.

This one had taken him longer to write. He wanted it to be perfect, to convey his admiration and growing feelings for her. He handed her the cup with a practiced smile.

“Here you go. Enjoy!”

“Thanks, Sunghoon,” she said, taking her drink and heading to her usual spot by the window.

Wonyoung settled into her seat, her heart racing with anticipation. She lifted the cup and found the note, her fingers trembling slightly as she unfolded it. The message read:

“Your laughter is the music my heart dances to. - Your Secret Admirer.”

She couldn’t help but smile, her eyes scanning the café once more. This time, she was determined to find out who was leaving these notes.

Her gaze fell on Sunghoon, who was busy with another order. She watched him closely, noticing the way he interacted with customers, the care he put into each drink.

Could it be him? The thought had crossed her mind before, but she had always dismissed it.

Sunghoon was so quiet and focused; it was hard to imagine him being the romantic type. But now, she wasn’t so sure.

Later that day, as the café started to quiet down, Wonyoung decided to take a more direct approach. She walked up to the counter, her heart pounding in her chest.

“Sunghoon, can I ask you something?” she said, her voice steady despite her nerves.

“Of course, Wonyoung. What’s on your mind?” he replied, looking up from the espresso machine.

“I’ve been receiving these notes with my coffee for a while now. They’re always so thoughtful and kind. Do you know who’s been leaving them?” she asked, her eyes searching his face for any sign of recognition.

Sunghoon’s heart skipped a beat. He hadn’t expected her to confront him so soon. He took a deep breath, trying to keep his composure.

“I’ve seen you reading them,” he admitted, choosing his words carefully. “But I’m afraid I can’t tell you who’s leaving them. Maybe it’s someone who admires you and wants to stay anonymous.”

Wonyoung sighed, a mix of frustration and curiosity swirling within her. “I just wish I knew who it was. It feels like I’m getting to know someone through these notes, but I don’t even know their name.”

Sunghoon felt a pang of guilt and a surge of longing. He wanted so badly to tell her, but he wasn’t ready yet. “Maybe they’ll reveal themselves when the time is right,” he said softly.

Wonyoung nodded, sensing there was more to Sunghoon’s words than he was letting on. “I hope so. Thank you, Sunghoon.”

She returned to her seat, her mind buzzing with thoughts. Sunghoon’s response had been vague, but there was something in his eyes, a flicker of emotion that made her wonder if he knew more than he was admitting.

Over the next few days, Wonyoung’s determination grew. She observed the café staff more closely, striking up conversations and paying attention to their interactions. She even asked Jungwon again, but he insisted he didn’t know anything.

Sunghoon watched her efforts with a mix of admiration and nervousness. He knew he couldn’t keep the secret forever, but he needed to find the right moment, the right way to reveal himself.

Until then, he poured his feelings into each note, hoping that they would convey the depth of his affection.

One afternoon, as Wonyoung was leaving the café, she noticed Sunghoon wiping down the counter, lost in thought. She decided to take a chance and walked over to him.

“Sunghoon, do you have a moment?” she asked, her heart pounding.

He looked up, surprised but curious. “Sure, what’s up?”

Wonyoung took a deep breath. “I know this might sound strange, but I’ve been thinking a lot about those notes. They mean a lot to me, and I can’t help but wonder if maybe... you know something about them?”

Sunghoon’s heart raced. He looked into her eyes, seeing the genuine curiosity and hope there. He knew he couldn’t lie to her, not when she was standing right in front of him, so close and yet so far from the truth.

“Wonyoung,” he began, his voice soft but steady, “I do know something about the notes. I...”

Just then, the door chimed, and a rush of new customers entered the café, breaking the moment. Sunghoon’s shoulders tensed, the opportunity slipping away. “I’m sorry, I need to take care of this. Can we talk later?”

Wonyoung nodded, a mix of disappointment and understanding in her eyes. “Of course. We can talk later.”

As she left the café, Wonyoung couldn’t shake the feeling that she was closer than ever to uncovering the truth.

And Sunghoon, watching her leave, knew that the time was fast approaching when he would have to reveal his heart.

For now, though, the notes would continue, each one a step closer to the moment when their true feelings would finally be laid bare.

And so, the dance of mystery and longing continued, with each note bringing them closer to the truth and the promise of something more.

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