Chapter 1

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Kai's POV

I was resting on my bed. My wolf ears were flat on my head as I tried to block out the sounds of the birds chirping, but it didn't work. I sighed, slowly sitting up and stretching. I glanced at the crib next to my bed and saw Ryland, the pup I had found asleep on his stomach with his blanket over him. A small smile formed on my lips. I couldn't believe it had only been six moons since I had found him. I got up and walked out the room.
I walked into the kitchen and threw some fire wood into the cooking pit and lit it. The house slowly started warming up.

I grabbed a pot from on the counter and filled it with some water from a wooden barrel. I put the pot on the cooking pit and let it heat up.

Walking over to the dry room, I searched some boxes for something. I grabbed a large egg out of one of the boxes and put it in the pot. Then I looked through the dry room again and grabbed a bottle.

"Ry will definitely be hungry when he wakes up."

I mumbled. I walked over to the front door and put my shoes, and cloak on, then my coat over it. I walked outside and over to the side of the house. Where the animal pens and barn were. I walked into the barn and over to a cow.

"Hey Jayla."

I said quietly trying not to startle her. Jayla looked at me and moo'd. I smiled at her. I held up the bottle and showed it to her.

"I need some milk for Ry. That okay?"

Jayla moo'd again and stood up. I smiled and entered her stall. I walked over to her and knelt down.

"So anything new you wanna talk about?"

I asked. Jayla moo'd and I smiled. While I couldn't understand what she was saying, it was nice to be able to talk with someone.


I asked. She moo'd again and I couldn't help but keep smiling.
I soon finished and stood up. I rubbed Jayla's head.

"I'll be back later with your food. Alright?"

Jayla moo'd and rubbed her head on my chest. I giggled a bit. I stepped out of her stall and walked back to the house. I walked inside and took my coat off.
Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed a wooden spoon and took the egg out of the pot. I took the pot off the cooking pit and sighed.
My ears suddenly perked at the sound of Ryland crying. 'Right on cue.' I thought. I walked into the bedroom and over to Ryland. Ryland stopped crying and looked at me. He put his arms up and wanting me to pick him up. I smiled softly. I slowly picked him up and held him.

"It's ok, Ry."

I said calmly. Ryland noticed the bottle in my hand and tried to reach for it. I giggled and gave it to him. The pup quickly put his small hands on the bottle trying to hold it. He slowly drank the milk. I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. I kept feeding Ryland.

Soon the pup had finished the bottle. I pulled it away from him and put him over my shoulder. I pat his back for a moment until he burped. I smiled and set him down in a different crib next to the couch. Ryland looked at me and whined. I sighed.

"Sorry Ry.. I've got work to do.."

I handed him a small plushed sheep.

"Why don't you play with your Mr. Sheep, I'll be back soon."

Ryland took the sheep and cuddled it. I smiled and walked into to kitchen. I looked at the egg I left on the counter and put my hand on it. It was cooled down now. I started peeling the shell off it. After I was done I took a bite of the egg. The egg whites were perfectly cooked while the yoke was still gooey. I quickly finished eating it, trying to savour every last bite.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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