5: Will she say yes

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Marjorie just stands there staring at reece as he is knelt to the ground holding the ring in front of her "so Marjorie what do you say... Will you be my wife" reece says looking up at her with a smile "reece i- i dont know what to say" she replies in utter shock as reece just stares there as his heart skips a beat "she's going to say no...I'm going to lose her" he says in his head "so Marjorie what are you going to say" reece asks her nervously "YES OF COURSE I WILL" she says excitedly as reece gets up and places the ring on her finger and they kiss Infront of the Eiffel tower 

A few days go by and its time to come home while Marjorie is in the shower reece finishes packing all the clothes and they head to the airport as Marjorie starts to feel abit uneasy and holds her stomach "you alright" Reece asks as he looks over at her and notices she looked really uneasy "I'm alright i Just feel a bit sick" replies Marjorie holding her stomach "oh no" says reece as he holds marjories stomach to hopefully make her feel a bit better, they then get to the airport and go to their gate and Reece gets his phone and messages aut 

[Reece texts aut] - hey... Marjorie and i have some news and we want you all to be there so can you gather everyone at the nursery before it closes and well have a little party to celebrate

[aut texts reece] - sure we'll meet you at 6:00 :) 

As Reece messages aut marjorie gets up without wanting and runs straight to the bathroom and throws up as reece watches her go he feels awful about how sick she is he just wants to help her and make her better, Marjorie then comes back and grabs her bag "You okay gorgeous your really ill arnt you" says Reece as she grabs her purse "yeah i definitely feel it.... I'm going to go and see if I can get some medication for it" she replies as she walks away 

A few hours pass and Marjorie returns and sits down "did you get any" Reece asks as he looks at her "erm...n-no no I didn't.....i-im sure ill be fine" Marjorie answers As Reece notices she's acting seriously off "Marjorie are you sure your-" reece says as Marjorie interrupts him and snaps "REECE JUST LEAVE IT PLEASE IM FINE" Marjorie shouts as Reece looks at her in shock "i-im sorry I didn't mean to snap i-im just stressed" Marjorie replies feeling bad for shouting at him and grabbing his hand then leaning on his shoulder as they wait for their plane to board 

A few minutes pass and their plane boards, what could be bothering Marjorie why is she acting off ??

Back at home autumn and winter finishes preparing the nursery for the big party reece wanted them to sort out for when they get home "do you think she said yes" asks winter as he puts the last bits on the table "oh yes winter we are making a party for them to celebrate because she said no" autumn replies sarcastically as winter looks over and smiles and shakes his head a little as Charlotte walks in with Mia "hi" they both say walking in "what's all this for then" charlotte asks "you'll just have to Walt and see Marjorie and Reece have a big announcement" says aut as she looks at Charlotte and Mia as they go and sit down and then sorsha, cloudagh, carly and Jodie arrive and they all take their seats "so autumn what's this all about" asks Carly "yeah how come we are still here" asks sorsha "right Marjorie and Reece both have an announcement me and winter know already but they wanted to announce it themselves to you" says autumn "yes Reece messaged aut saying to set all this up and to gather you all together" adds winter 

Marjorie and Reece both pull up to the nursery and head inside and go up to the party "hello everyone" Reece says as they enter the room "hey how was the holiday" asks Charlotte "yeah it was so amazing even though Marjorie isn't feeling too well at the minute" says Reece as Marjorie stands next to him and smiles a little "but we just wanted to announce to you all what happened while we were there" reece says as he smiles and grabs Marjories hand and shows everyone the ring on the finger "WE'RE GETTING MARRIED" Reece says proudly as they all start shouting and hugging them both "Marjorie im so happy for you" says Charlotte as she hugs her but Marjorie pulls away "s-sorry Charlotte give me a minute" Marjorie replies and runs to the toilets and throws up again "is she okay" Clodagh asks as she spots Marjorie running away "she's really ill isn't she" replies Charlotte 

Marjorie returns and sighs and Charlotte goes over "Marjorie is everything okay" Charlotte asks concerned "y-yeah yeah I'm fine" marjorie adds looking around for Reece "GUYS LETS GO AND SET OFF SOME FIREWORKS" shouts winter as everyone heads outside Marjorie follows and goes to Reece and looks up at him and turns him around and kisses him "woah what's that for" Reece asks smiling at her as she looks at him scared "Marjorie is everything okay" Reece asks concerned 

Marjorie just stares at him and grabs a pregamcy test she bought at the airport and puts it in his hands 

I'm pregnant...... Marjorie adds as fireworks go off above them and Reece looks at her in shock

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