3: What has Marjorie seen

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Marjorie just stands staring at aut "marjorie say something whats wrong??" Aut asks her in a worried tone thinking that she's maybe seen winter and Reece in the car park

Marjorie then grabs auts hand "SINCE WHEN WERE YOU AND WINTER MARRIED" Marjorie says excitedly as she had noticed auts ring

"oh!!" She says with a sigh of relief "its been a few months now its nothing really we just eloped we didn't want all the fuss and stress of a big wedding" autumn replies with a sigh of relief that Marjorie didn't see reece or winter outside

Marjorie looks at her with a smile "you know what you two are the cutest couple I've ever seen!!! Reece hasn't even so much as hinted of a proposal for us" she says looking back down at the papers signing the last one

Little did she know what was about to happen in Paris!!!

Reece looks to the office door seeing Marjorie and just stares with a twinkle in his eye "you really love her don't you" winter says looking over at reece as he smiles "yeah I really do winter!!! She makes me so happy she makes me smile she makes me laugh and she truly cares so much about me and especially with the way i was brought up I truly have never felt as loved as I do when I'm around her" reece says smiling

"ehem" says a quiet voice behind him as reece was looking at winter smiling at him indicating Reece to turn around

He turns around to see Marjorie and autumn and smiles a little "I'm guessing you heard all that" he says looking at Marjorie

She stands there smiling at how cute and sweet what reece said was, Marjorie then walks up to him and kisses him

Autumn and winter just back away towards the door leaving Marjorie and Reece alone

Reece and Marjorie both pull away and look deep into each others eyes smiling as Carly walks in "oh my god reece have you asked her already" she says with a huge grin of excitement as Reece looks over at her widening his eyes indicating her to shut up "asked me what" Marjorie replies as Carly looks over at reeve noticing his facial expressions "oh...erm just asking about Thorpe park next week with me reeve and Eric we wanted to know if you would come with us" carly says as she tries to cover up what she was actually asking, Marjorie then looks at her with a little smile "yeah course ill come it'll be a nice day out" Marjorie replies with a smile

Reece just stares watching them with a sigh of relief thank god Carly didn't reveal anything I need to get Marjorie to the airport Quickly he thinks "right gorgeous are we ready to go" Reece exclaims indicating that they need to go or they will miss the flight "alright" Marjorie smiles as they head towards the car as Carly waves goodbye

Marjorie sits in the car looking out the window as reece reaches over and puts his hand on her leg, she looks over and smiles looking at him "what's been going on with you" she asks him as he looks confused covering up the fact he's nervous "what do you mean" he asks "well you seem to be acting really weird lately like your not yourself is everything okay with you if somethings happened with your dad i-" she asks as Reece interrupts "its not my dad Marjorie don't worry I'm fine you don't need to worry about me" he reaches over and smiles grabbing her hand and kissing it slightly

As they arrive to the airport they grab their cases out the car and walk towards the airport to get checked in, they then go and walk around the airport for a few hours and they walk past a jewellery shop and Marjorie spots a nice necklace in there "how beautiful is that" she says smiling "yeah it is" Reece said staring as it looked the exact same as the ring he bought to propose to her with "honestly it looks so gorgeous doesn't it" Marjorie exclaims still looking at it slowly walking away

They both sit at their gate is the flight is getting ready to board, Reece looks outside at the planes looking a little anxious "you know if your worried about flying don't hide it" Marjorie says as she notices and holds his hand "I- I'm not I'm fine my sweet honestly" he says looking in her eyes
Suddenly the flight attendant shouts for them to board they grab their cases and board the plane

As they take their seats they see a woman with blonde hair sat a few rows in front of them "hey Marjorie look..." Reece exclaims "don't we know them" he says as Marjorie then turns to look "yeah I think we do.... Who is it" she asks as they try to get a closer look at their face and then both then turn back and holds each others hands

The whole flight it kept bugging Marjorie who was it who was this blonde woman who she obviously knew as Marjorie gets up to walk to the bathroom she walks past them

"Hello Marjorie" says the blonde woman looking her up and down as Marjorie walks past "fancy seeing you here" they say

Marjorie turns to look at them in shock
"Oh my god" she says "Siobhan !!!" Marjorie exclaims, "what are you doing here???" She asks her in a firm tone, "oh that's a nice hello isn't it" Siobhan replies "I'm actually going to see..... a friend if you must know" she answers "a friend since when do you have friends" Marjorie exclaims "oh come on Marjorie I know we've had our differences but I am allowed to live my life" Siobhan sighs "well as long as you don't ruin our nice break away I'll gladly let you get back to whatever... it is your doing" Marjorie exclaims "ohhh you and Reece heading away.... How come" Siobhan replies "like you said we are allowed to live our lives" Marjorie sighs as she walks away and Siobhan smirks at her

Marjorie sits back at her seat obviously tense "you alright" Reece asks "no!!! You'll never guess who that blonde woman is" Marjorie exclaims as Reece looks at her confused and shrugs his shoulders "SIOBHAN" Marjorie exclaims as Reece looks at her in shock "Siobhan seriously!!! What's she doing on a flight to Paris" he asks "she just said she's seeing a friend" Marjorie says to Reece "a friend ??" Reece replies "wait why's my dad not with her" he asks "I don't know and quite frankly i couldn't care less" replies Marjorie "she did seem quite different though if I'm honest maybe somethings gone on between them didn't you say your dad wasn't that nice to her" Marjorie adds "well yeah my dad was so horrible to my mum that's why she was never here he obviously just try's to ruin his relationships" Reece exclaims with a sigh

"Flight all clear for landing" they hear over the intercom as they take each others hands this will be the last time he flew with her as his girlfriend......

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Paris".....

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