"I am not marrying him!!!"

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SeokJin POV:
I paced around the room absolutely baffled because I had more dating rumours. My shows and movies were hits because I KNEW HOW TO ACT! Not because the chemistry is so good that I'm dating everyone I act with.

I have been shipped with both male and female actors, idols, models and even my staff.

It's very safe to say I have filed many defamation charges and even urged the other party to reject the rumours no matter how much publicity they got from me.

My manager Jay had walked in and said "Jin, I have sorted everything out. It's Friday go home and stop stressing. I understand you hate these rumours but sometimes it's okay to let them be. Don't stress too much you will get wrinkles and that gorgeous face cannot look good with wrinkles!"

I rolled my eyes at my manager, him and I started off together and he's been amazing company. He's practically a brother to me and for that reason he gets away with a lot of shit he says.

Before I could respond two loud, annoying, and obnoxious little shits who also get away with everything too barged in.

"Kim Seokjin dating Kim Jisoo! A unexpected couple!" Minion one laughed out.

Minion two held his stomach saying "From actresses to K-pop idols? Is there something Kim Seokjin can't do?"

Jay too snickered along with them and I glared at him before he put his hand up and left the room.

I pulled both the minion's ears and said "Yah Kim Jimin you're my brother stop being such an ass!"

Then I turned to minion two and said "You Jung Hoseok if you weren't family I would have sued you!"

The two laughed louder as Jimin said "Hyung is so funny how you literally can't stand dating rumours and dispatch put you with a random K idol? You don't even interact with ANY idols. I'm telling you this Kim jisoo girl paid them for this!"

I let go of them and sat down in the chair saying "maybe suing isn't enough I should have them killed!"

Hoseok held his heart saying "Tad bit too dramatic no? I mean it's a rumour it's not real so why are you so annoyed?"

I sighed and said "Hobah you don't understand these people do it for money and fame and status. If I wanted the world to know my business I'd want it to be real not fake. I have been out with every single person on the planet without even going out. If Jimin wasn't my brother they would start dating rumours on us too!"

Jimin visibly cringed before saying "Yeah do you remember when you and Hoseok Hyung were getting food and they published a picture of you saying you two were having an affair and that Hobi instigated it because he didn't like your ex co-actress in your show who was apparently your girlfriend?"

Me and Hoseok groaned at that because it was the most horrible time for it to happen. We both had major roles in movies which were being affected, Hoseok's career was on the line and it took almost a month to shut the rumours down.

"Don't start that Jimin, that was traumatic and I never want to relive such gosh awful memories". I mumbled out and it was Hoseok that said "Let's go to yours I'm sure aunty has made good food for us! I'm tired after today's shoot for the movie premiere!"

Jimin excitedly jumped and said "Yeah Eomma got home two days ago from when she went to Busan. She said she had important stuff to discuss with us too so let's go!"

Hoseok nodded and said "My Eomma went with her, the woman didn't even bother to inform me or Apa. We were just lost wondering where she went and she didn't even pick our calls up!"

Me and Jimin laughed because our Eomma would do the exact same!

I was then dragged out of my office by Jimin and Hoseok and I could only sigh as I watched them with enthusiasm. They had way too much energy.

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