end of beginning

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   Rory Cooper was the everyday nerd. She always had her homework turned in a week before it was due, and she was never late, ever. She was the good girl, the role model, the perfect daughter. She only had one flaw, she wasn't allowed to date. It was the only rule.

   Walker Hilton was the typical football star. He always had a different girl with him, never cared about his grades, and was the captain of the football team. He was the most wanted person at West Valley High, which didn't help tone down his ego. Everyone believed that he didn't have flaws, but deep down he had one that had been haunting him since he was a young child.

                                        rory cooper

   As we walked into our first day of Junior year, Charm was talking to me about how we needed to go to this big party that was being hosted by a jock named Dayton. "it's happening this Friday night. everybody's going to be there" she said, like I was listening. I had a tendency to zone her out when she started talking about party's. "yea yea. you know my dad won't let me go, especially if the football boys will be there." She looked at me with a disappointed face, but didn't say anything else. " what's up bad bitches!" Esme said as we arrived at our lockers. We have been friends since the 2nd grade.

   While I was putting my books in my locker, Charm was telling Esme all about the party. When I turned to look at them, I found them already looking at me. " rory. We have a plan to get you to the party." Charm said as I gave them a confused then judgmental look. " we just have to tell your dad that you are staying at my place for a sleepover." Right when I was about to tell them no, the jocks walked in. Have you ever watched a movie where they have the slow motion shot when the main guy walks in? Thats what happens every time Walker Hilton walks in. He acts like he owns the place, just because he's the football captain. Everyone here believes that he's some kind of saint, not only because he's one of the top quarterbacks in the state, but because to most people, they would say that he was hot.

   " snap out of it" I said as I snapped my fingers in their faces. "You guys need to stop fantasizing over a bop." This might not have been the best time to call the star quarterback and the most wanted boy at West Valley High a bop, but that's one of my biggest flaws, saying the truth, rather than keeping my mouth shut. " are you talking about me?" A deep voice said from behind me. I already knew who it was based on my friends faces. They had a mix of shock and awe on their faces. I did a quick spin to face him. " Walker. What gives you the impression that I would ever talk about you in my free time?" I say as I bat my eyelashes and give him a small smile. Everybody in the hallway seemed to listen in as I talked to him. "I don't know, maybe because you said that they need to stop fantasizing and I'm very desirable." He says as he gives me a seductive look. " in your dreams,Hilton. You're cocky, arrogant, and inconsiderate. Why would I ever waste my precious time on earth talking about you?" I said to him with a straight face. He looked like he wanted to say something, but the bell rang before he could open his mouth.

   " If you have any questions, feel free to reach out though." You say with a smile as your dad walks up to you. " Hey, Rory!" He said before looking to see that Walker was standing in front of me." Hey dad! What are you doing, I thought you had a meeting this morning?" I said with a slight smile. I had hoped that he wouldn't ask me why his star quarterback and the biggest player in the county was standing at my locker. "I had the meeting already. It was early this morning right after football practice. Speaking of which, Walker shouldn't you be heading to the field right now anyway? Practice starts in 5 minutes." He said as he gave Walker the 'you need to leave me and my daughter alone before I break you ' stare. "Ok coach, bye rory." He said with a small wink and a smile. I turned back to my locker, finally relaxing after by encounter. " rory what were you doing talking to one of my players, especially him?!" He said in a slightly harsher tone than before. I grabbed the rest of my books for class before I turned to face him. " I didn't start the conversation with him. He started it with me. I was actually ending it right when you walked up to us. But I have to go dad, I'll be late for class, and I'm never late." I say with a smile before he nods and lets me walk past him into my Latin class.

   During Latin, all I could think about was the party. Rather I wanted to go to it or not, I would somehow get forced into going with Charm and Esme. By the time the bell rang, I was ready to head home, but I knew that my dad wanted to me to stay back and watch practice. Even though I know nothing about football, he still wants me to watch him coach. When I stay to watch practice I normally just read. Today I read Haunting Adeline.


heyy!! This is my first time writing a story, so I hope that it's good. Also, I was going to call him fugly but yk if she's gonna talk to him he can't be ugly. Also listen to end of beginning by djo while reading this chapter, if you hadn't based on the title!!

1012 words!!

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