no scrubs

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   It was the first football game of the season. Every one from the small town of West Valley came out to watch. The West Valley BullDogs were against the Brockville Bears in a big game. This will decide which team is the number 1 team in the state.
Rory Cooper
"I can't believe you dragged us to this football game. I could've been at a party right now." Esme said as we walked to our seats at the front of the field. She never was the type of girl who liked sports, or any thing outdoorsy. Charm on the other hand, had a certain 'thing' for a player from Brockville. I never really asked about their love lives, unless it affected me. " you're here because Charm and I are here, and you have to support your best friends." I said as I smiled at her and looked down at the field. What I saw, actually shocked me. It was Walker, looking at me. He made sure that I saw him before he smiled and walked over to where the rest of the team was to do the team huddle.

   Right when the game started, Charm went to get candy from the concession stand, and Esme left to go talk to some girls from the other school, which left me alone. "Hey pretty girl" a random man from Brockville said. Before I could turn to see who it was , the BullDogs made the winning touchdown! Omg. We actually won. I felt a mix of happiness and anger. Of course I wanted our team to win, but I don't know if I can deal with walker, and his growing ego.

Cheers and chants could be heard from all over the field. Most of them were coming from the West Valley side, but some were from the girls cheering for him. When I walked down to the field, I got a lot of nasty looks, but they don't tend to bother me anymore, well, not as much as they did when I was younger. " hey, Rory! Come over here." Your dad said when he saw you in the crowd. As I was walking over to where he was I got pulled out of the way by a group of guys, who were seemingly drunk. " hey pretty girl." One of them said. "Stop ignoring us, we know you want it." Another one said before they all laughed. "Let me go." I said in an annoyed voice because I was ready to go home. "Why would we do that pretty girl?" The tallest one said, right when I was about to hit them in their no-no squares, I heard somebody walking over , "Let her go." When I heard that annoying voice say. "You don't want to do that." Walker said, as he walked closer to the group, pulling me away from the group of guys. " why would you talk to those crackheads?" Walker yelled as if it were my fault that they were following me. " I didn't, they pulled me away, do you think I want to be here right now? I want to go home."I said before you walked away to talk to your dad.

"dad!" I say when you finally get to him. "I'm so proud of you! We have to go out to celebrate!" He smiled at me before my mom found us and walked over. " hey guys! I think Leena and her family are going to come celebrate with us." Leena is the assistant coaches wife, and she's really sweet. " mom, me and dad were talking about going to get ice cream to celebrate!" I said with a small smile as I gave my dad a wink, knowing that he loved ice cream just as much as I did.

"Elizebeth!" Leena said as she came over and kissed my mother's cheek. "Leena! They were talking about going out for icecream, would you and the rest of the Hiltons be up for going to Rusty's ice cream shop tonight?" oh yea, did I forget to mention that my mothers best friend is walkers mom?
Ok sooo this chapter is kinda short, and I'm sorry about that, but I'm kind of on a writing slump and really wanted to make a new chapter, so here it is. Also, PLOT TWIST. How did that feel.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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