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After talking with Rena, Hana went to her dorm room and drew for a bit before she heard her phone go off. She answered it seeing that it was Aoi. "Evening darling, enjoyed your cat nap?" She teased jokingly

"Oh ha-ha Hana, why didn't you stay if you knew I was asleep?"

"Cause you were asleep, I wasn't going to wake you up sir. I'm not stupid I know what would happen had I chosen to go and touch you."

Aoi was quiet for a moment before he let out a sigh. "Alright...fine. That's fair...just...it makes me sad that you left. I'm the only one here without someone and I...I feel left out cause you left." He said sadly

"You know where my dorms are honey, I'm done socializing for the day. I can't leave this place without my mind being stupid. It's just how my mind and body works."

"You've socialized too much? That's why you are there instead of here?"


"Well if that's the case then I'll let you be. I'll see you tomorrow right?"

She just hung up feeling upset that he hadn't remembered what she had told him that morning. Hana then shut her phone off and placed her drawing things on the ground before she lied on her side as she broke down crying against her pillow. "S-Stupid Aoi!"

Aoi on the other hand was confused on why Hana had hung up on him. Every time he tried to call her it didn't go through. He panicked a bit knowing what she had told him before she hung up. He went out of his room to where the others were and looked at Nova. "Nova...you know Hana a lot right?"

"No...not really."

Ryse spoke up. "I grew up with her I know her the best. What's up?"

"Do you know why Hana hung up on me after I had asked her if I'd see her tomorrow after her telling me that she was done socializing for the day, that if she'd leave the dorms she'd end up having stupid thoughts in her mind?"

Ryse leaned herself against the counter unamused "This morning before you fucked my cousin, did she ever tell you about how it's law after soul mates find one another for them to sleep beside one another?"

Aoi stiffened hearing her question. "S-she did, but I thought she just said that to make me happy...N-Not that it was a true thing."

"Oh it's true alright. I talked with my uncle after asking him to forgive me for what I've done to his daughter. He confirmed what Hana has told us girls and you boys. You saying that made her probably think that you don't love her or want to be anywhere around her. That you want her to suffer with her libido. Hana doesn't allow just anyone that close to her Aoi, so the fact that she has allowed you to be that close is something you should take as a blessing."

Aoi's ears went down hearing what Ryse said to him. "I...I fucked up...didn't I?"

"Oh yeah...very much so."

"What if she doesn't want to see me?"

"Then that's on you, Hana is a stubborn woman. Even I know to listen to her every now and then. You woke up her slumbering libido just to deny her things her body needs, not to mention rejecting what your body desires as well. You shouldn't have let Hana be alone, you should have stayed with her and that's on you." Ryse said seriously

Aoi knew that he had to at least try to get Hana to talk and be around him again, he didn't say anything more as he left out. Once he made his way to the dorms he knocked on the door only to get Rena. Rena frowned seeing him. "You shouldn't be here."

"Let me guess Hana told you she didn't want to see me didn't she?"

Rena nodded her head. "She's heart broken right now."

"I know, and I want to fix my mistake."

Rena let out a sigh and let him in. Once he took his shoes off he knew the way to her room and went straight there only to see just how dark her room was. He went into her room to her bed and he pulled her blanket from over her face. "You're really going to do this now? Why don't you just voice out what's wrong with you instead of hiding it from me?"

She glared at him and was quick to kick him in the gut before she placed her blanket back over her head once more. "Fuck off!"

Aoi felt himself slowly starting to revert to a cat, he knew if he didn't get her to love him he'd be stuck that way until she loved him again. "Hana...please won't you let me talk to you before you hate me?"

Hana sat up and glared at him. "I told you everything this morning! Your a bad soul mate! I don't want to see you right now Leave me alone Satsuki Aoi!" As she finished speaking he turned into a puffy blond cat and looked at her sadly

She scoffed. "Good now I can sleep without hearing your damn voice."

The cat jumped onto her bed and went on top of her sadly with its ears down. He wouldn't move no matter how much she tried to get him off of her or move. He didn't want to be without her so he was going to stay by her side until she loved him again.

Kitty Cat Love [Neko! Aoi Satsuki Love story] Tsukiuta love storyWhere stories live. Discover now