Ember Danger Death-Threat

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"Ember Danger Death-threat. Thats my name, but don't wear it out. I may be only a sophomore in high school right now, but I eat chumps like you for BREAKFAST, BRUNCH, AND BINNER. if you piss me off you WILL DIE and i'm not kidding i will throw you out THIS window. And I'll face no. consequences. for it because I am capable of bringing down the entire police force and the government... i just don't care to do it right now. so BEAT IT KID." By the time I had finished monologuing, the man who was about to cut in line looked afraid of me. Such is life of the bottom feeders.

Another man in front of me started talking, instantly annoying me. "Hey chill out! He wasn't cutting in line, he's with us!" He gestured to a group in the front of the line. I scoffed.

"CUTTING IN LINE is CUTTING IN LINE!" I was about to high-kick the pathetic man in his shoulder, but I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see a mall cop looking down at me. and NO ONE looks down at me, no matter the height difference. "WHAT?" I snarled.

"I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the mall, miss..." He spoke with authority, but I've never once respected authority. I spun around, roundhouse kick, POW, collided RIGHT into the face of the line-cutter. He dropped like a fly to the ground, knocked unconscious.

"JESUS CHRIST!" Screamed a lady behind me. Not quite, which was a funny thing i was about to say, but I noticed the mall cop charging at me and had to react.

"Eat THIS, PIG!" I swing a f*cking fist into the face of the mall cop, feeling about 10 teeth break off inside his mouth. He flew backwards and landed on his back, looking dazed. I sensed another presence behind me and with great force, elbowed it in the gut.

I landed all my hits in precision as I beat the 2nd mall cop behind me. I took off his shoe and hurled it at a 3rd mall cop running toward me. She was hit in the stomach, kneeled over, and groaned in pain. The second shoe came at her face, and then she was knocked out. I was running toward the barista now.

"Get me a Strawberry Banana smoothie please and THANK YOU!" I handed over a 20 dollar bill, which was way above the set price, but it didn't matter. Money was no longer an issue since I could use my brute strength against the bank or the US treasury department.

The barista hurriedly started making a strawberry banana smoothie. Theres no rush, honestly. I leaned against the counter and saw that most of the customers had ran away. A group of 6 cops from across the hall were running over to me, their grubby hands carrying tasers and handcuffs. I was fully capable of defeating them, but I was more interested in having my smoothie.

I readied my body in case the cops made it in time. Time seemed to slow down. The barista blended fruits together. I cracked my knuckles. My fallen assailants lay silent on the ground.

"PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM." Ugh, the cops had arrived. They pointed a measly taser—wait, was that a gun? No matter, I scoffed, every weapon is dust compared to me.

Then, I sensed some movement behind me. I was about to karate chop the poor fellow, but it was just the barista handing me my smoothie. Just in time. I took the ice cold smoothie and popped the straw inside. I walked toward the escalator, away from the scene and away from the police.

"DO NOT MOVE. PUT DOWN THE DRINK AND PUT YOUR HANDS UP." Yelled the police in an annoying tone. I continued walking cuz i just didn't care. Suddenly, they shot the gun! Thankfully, I sensed the position of the bullet thanks to the movement of the air molecules and in quick speed, I backflipped over the bullet, sending it flying away from me. I landed facing the SHOCKED police.

I ran toward them with terrifying speeds and slammed into the first cop. I kicked off his stomach and KNEED the second cop in the face. While I was still in the air, I drank from my smoothie. It tasted like strawberry and banana. The third cop shot a bullet at me from 3 feet away, but I flicked it away because it was a bug to me.

I slapped the 4th cop that shot at me with the power of 2 horses. They spun a couple times from the slap-power and skidded on the marble ground. I head-slammed my face into the face of the 5th cop and I could see that blood was in the air. I picked up a chair nearby and took out their knees. They tumbled to the ground cursing.

The last cop was staring at me with abject terror. I walked toward her and with every step the hall grew more silent.

"Who are you?" she asked. I looked at him from 5 feet away.

""Ember Danger Death-threat. Thats my name, but don't wear it out. If I see you again you're dead. I have the strength of a Lion, and no gazelle can defeat me. Gazelle = humans btw because thats how I see you. You cops annoy me because you think you can control me but NEWS FLASH BUDDY I RUN my whole high school and I'm just a sophomore student. I dont give a f*ck what the law is." I gave the cop a playful push and she stumbled backward onto the ground.

I took a sip out of my Strawberry Banana smoothie and walked onto the escalator. It brought me down to the first floor of clothing shops. I looked down at my outfit. I don't think I need more clothes... I was wearing an old gray jacket over a crimson red tee shirt. My dark black jeans had the words "I GOT MY OWN BACK" written down my pant leg. This was my signature outfit, and I didn't need to change it, so I exited the mall.

It was just a typical Sunday for me. I looked around the parking lot. Did anyone else need a BEATDOWN? There was a group of boys hanging near an open trunk. A family walking toward the mall. A man smoking a cigarette. I could take down all of these people, blindfolded. But I restrained myself and continued walking.

stayyyy tuned for chapter 2 (๑>؂•̀๑)

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