Mac and Cheese

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The students at my school were all stupidly strong, I realized. This was because there was a huge gym located right nearby, and many more gyms in every area. As a result, nearly all the people living in the city of Fremont were bodybuilders. 

But honestly, I could take down every single person in this school. all at once. and BLINDFOLDED. 

"Hey," Said a student standing near my desk, instantly annoying me. "Can I have 5 dollars?" I shook my head no. "Can I have 10 dollars?" He asked again, in a less subtle, mocking tone. 

I stood up and kicked my chair to the side. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?" I yelled. "Do you think I'm a—MONEY LOANER OF SOME KIND?! I'm Ember Danger goddamn Death-Threat, you should know my name by now, cuz I'm going to bash my foot against your head until it looks like MAC AND CHEESE!!!" 

He looked taken aback. "I'm just joking!!!" He still spoke like he was half talking to me and half laughing at me to his friends. well I would have none of that!!!

I grabbed my chair from off the ground and started beating him over the head. This chair might be too heavy for an average person, but to me it was like a very light book. And usually, it would be too small to hurt this boy who had a large  build (remember the part from the beginning), but in my hands, it had the force of 15 cars. 

"OW! OW! OW! STOP IT B*TCH F*CK" HE SCREAMED. I stopped hitting him and grabbed his chin with two fingers. 

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME? DID YOU JUST CALL ME A B*TCH F*CK?!!!" I hissed. My blood pressure was through the roof. "YOU'RE SOOOO DEAD YOU B*STARD!!!!!" I kicked him, hard, in his stomach and he vomited. 

Then I picked him up and threw him 30 feet across the classroom. His back hit the jutted out part of the whiteboard that held the markers. He landed in a painful bleeding clumped position. I ran over with the speed of light and kicked the air out of him. He gasped with pain. 

After a second, he hurriedly started begging. "I'm sorry! I'm so f*cking sorry!" 

"You think you can beg for mercy? Fine, tell me what you learned today and i MIGHT not kill you!" I looked down at him and waited for more. 

"You're Ember Danger Death-Threat and you're way better and way cooler than me and I suck! I'll never play jokes on you again because you're super strong and will beat me up! YOU'RE AMAZING! YOU'RE AWESOME, YOU'RE AWESOME!!" He sobbed. 

"Okay, I think you learned your lesson!" I began to walk away, leaving him in the dust. "YEAH, RIGHT!" I swing back around to him. He flinches. "Noo I'm just kidding." I turn back around. But then I whip my head back around to sneer at him. "GONNA KILL YOU!" I stop and smile."Joking around again!" I hear him let out a shuddery breath.

I walk through the exit for real and let the door slam on me. It was another typical Monday for me. What should I do for the remainder of lunch? 

There was a stand nearby of girls selling cookie boxes for 5 dollars. There was onc last box. Thats lucky! 

I grab the 5 dollars in my back pocket and walk toward the stand, but when I reach it, I bump into a girl who seemed to appear from nowhere. 

"Oh SORRY... I was gonna buy that." She flashes me a cheesy grin. I stiffen my jaw. What the hell...

"What the hell..." I twist my face into a look of disgust and aggression. 

She sees this face and in turn, twists her own face into one of evil and wrath. "What, do you have a PROBLEM WITH IT?? You wanna get in MY WAY? Don't make me laugh. Honestly I'm hurt. What do you have against me, Luna Sin Dark-Heart?"

To be continued in chapter 3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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