‧₊˚ ☾ ⋅ TWELVE ‧ ☽ ˚₊⋅

405 15 14

"I feel bad," You blurt out, looking down at the way he clings against the wall, "I can lend you my blades to sit on-"

"Don't be foolish, mortal, this is nothing for me. You have no idea how strong I am." He rolls his eyes.

You could not help but glance down at his bulging biceps and gulp, "Well, it wouldn't hurt."

You gesture to your blades with your hands, and they fly out the window and below sukuna. They assembled in a half-circle shape, forming a small platform that Sukuna could sit on. He hums in curiosity and slowly sits down on the floating blades. He was tense at first, trying to find balance, but eventually, he got comfortable.

"It could use some padding," He complains, shifting in them.

You scoff, "I do this to help you and all you do is complain?"

"I'm not complaining, foolish girl, I'm suggesting." He waves his hand in the air with his emphasized words.

You facepalm with the arm that was previously injured. It catches Sukuna's eye and he points at it with a glint of concern, "How is your arm?"

You turn it around to inspect the bandage, "It stings, but it's much better than what it was a few hours ago."

He hums in thought, "That's good."

You look at him sincerely, "I realized earlier I never properly thanked you for saving my life."

He shrugs you off, "It's nothing. But I can't believe that you immediately assumed I was draining the blood out of you to take your life."

You throw your head back in laughter, "Yes, and I apologize for that as well."

Sukuna tries to hide his smile by scratching his face, but you catch a glimpse. The two of you find yourselves in silence once more and Sukuna realizes you need your rest. He finds a good grip on the stones and lifts himself off your blades.

"It's getting late, and you need to heal," He says promptly and begins to climb downward.

You smile at him, "You're right, thanks again, Sukuna."

"Whatever," He calls out, focusing on getting down close enough so that he can jump off without making a sound.

He hears you chuckle as you close the curtains and smiles to himself. By the time he landed, Sukuna realized no one had officially taken him to the home he was supposed to stay in. He groans in annoyance and decides to take refuge in your home.

It didn't take long for him to arrive and he noticed the gifts from the villagers were piled in front of your house. There were too many to count, the people must really care for you. How cute. However Sukuna could care less, he picks up the prettiest basket and brings it inside. It held a variety of treats and food, which he snacked on for the rest of the night. Of course, he would never tell you but it's not like you would notice anyway. There were hundreds!

The next day Sukuna didn't have anything to do, and it was difficult to come and see you since it was broad daylight. Sukuna would likely get into trouble if he was caught by the villagers. Therefore, he had to find something to entertain him during the day. You were the only source of entertainment for him, so it was frustrating to find anything to do around here. This made him realize just how dependent he was on you. He could hardly get through the day since he usually spends his time with you.

But he managed. Sukuna would walk around and watch all the villagers work and live their simple lives. He would stop by Sei's building to annoy and bug her until she finally kicked him out. And that's how the days usually went. When night fell and the streets were empty, Sukuna would climb up to your room to visit you each night.

[▶] ‧₊˚ ☾ ⋅ 𝝖S𝝦𝝞Ɍ𝝞𝝢Ᏽ 𝝡𝝤Ɍ𝝩𝝖Ⳑ ❍ Ryomen Sukuna x Reader ‧ ☽ ˚₊⋅Where stories live. Discover now