Chapter 1

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"Are you really sure you want to do this?" A voice asked his friend.

"Ekko, I've had your back since we were kids. Why would I stop now?" A new voice asked as he made a counterpoint.

"Y'know you're really living up to your name." Ekko sighed knowing that there was no way to change his mind, "So far we've got Yasuo, you, and I. Do you really think we can do this?"

"Absolutely Ekko, now let's go cause some chaos." Simon answered confidently not knowing what the future truly holds.

It's been 10 years since Ekko and Simon left Zaun in pursuit of following their dreams. After some time living in a small apartment barely getting by they met Yasuo. Yasuo and Simon got along almost instantly due to their similar nature. It took time but Ekko and Yasuo formed a close friendship and they became a trio. After some pushing from Ekko he formed True Damage, a collaboration of who he thought were the best underground artists around the world. Through it all Simon chose to not be a part of the group, believing in his own sound as a punk rock artist he worked as a part of their crew whether it be assisting Yasuo in finalizing songs or physically helping build the sets for shows.This brings them to their current situation.

"So why do you want me to come to a K/DA show again?" Simon asked, confused.

"Listen Raptor, I need you to run over this setup for me. Something just feels off about it but no one can find anything. Please See?" Akali begged.

"So you want me to come view your set to make sure it's safe and the payment for doing so is you want me to go join all the same snobs I generally dislike in the V.I.P. section?" Simon asked clearly, wanting to do other things with his Saturday night.

"Simon!" Akali whined, "Please for me?"

Simon looked at her his annoyance growing before he heard Ekko's voice trail in from the other room, "Look Simon, you should just go do it because we both know all you were going to do tonight is sit in your room and either listen over the tracks we've been working on or play Tekken."

"Traitor!" Simon yells knowing that now he really doesn't have a choice lest he have to put up with Qiyanna giving him hell for not just doing it. Simon sighs and then points at his door so Akali will get out. He quickly showered and got dressed sporting his usual black shirt, black pants with a belt and blue converse.

Simon looked at Ekko in the living room, "Did I ever mention that I hate you?"

"Look, I know the girls you'll have a great time. You need to do more than just work your life away." Ekko retorted.

"I loathe you." Simon said, grabbing his jacket. He was walking out the door when he heard Ekko fire back "Love you too buddy."

Simon walked out noticing Akali was on her bike already. Simon got on the back knowing how Akali drives and they married at the concert within 20 minutes. Simon gets off and follows Akali. She leads him to the stage and points out specifically what she had a bad feeling about. Upon inspection Simon realized that the mechanism wasn't even assembled properly.

"Hey Akali can you get me the guy who put this together?" Simon asked with a subtle rage boiling. Akali grabbed one of the crew members, Kyle.

"Great, thank you. Now then, you absolute moron! I swear that a soggy chicken nugget has a higher understanding of motor and technology. This entire mechanism is failing and you either didn't notice or didn't care!" Simon yelled at him. The employee just dropped his tool belt and ran off, "I'm going to inspect every fucking inch of this stage and the next major failure I find someone is going to be dropped from their neck."

Simon was not a happy camper but Akali looked at him with a sign of hope realizing that she wouldn't have to worry about any potential mechanical failures.Simon started lower making sure all the platforms were properly in place and all of their ground equipment was calculated. While standing over the sound board Ahri approached him.

"So you must be the legendary Raptor we've heard so much about?" She asked questionably worried this was a crazy fan.

"She really uses that nickname for me? Thanks Akali." Simon sighs, "Most of my friends just call me Simon but Akali has had that stupid nickname since Ekko let it slip out one day."

"So why do they call you Raptor?" Ahri asked, still unsure of the danger posed in front of her.

"It used to be my old stage name when I chased music like Ekko..Anywho apologies to cut the conversation short but I have a sneaking suspicion someone didn't pay attention to the way they wired everything." Simon excused himself hopping on a lift. By the time he finished it was time for the girls to do a runthrough of the show. Raptor stood off to the side checking his phone. On it was a text from Qiyanna.


"Try not to have too much fun being surrounded by beautiful women murcielago: p"

Simon responded:

"I hate it when their crew is filled with morons."

Qiqi: "What do you mean?"

Simon: "The lift mechanism was falling apart, lights weren't done correctly, almost nothing was hooked up the way it should've been to the sound board.Plus the scaffolding wasn't properly secured and could've fallen on anyone mid show."

Qiyanna stops responding after that and Simon puts his phone away while Kaisa approaches him as he sits on one of their dozens of crates.

"Thank you for overlooking everything and fixing any mistakes you found. Akali says that you are the best stage hand she's ever seen." Kaisa spoke softly.

Simon lightly blushed at the compliment, "It wasn't an issue. I'd hate to see people get hurt due to someone else being too lazy to do things properly."

A few security guards came and interrupted them, "Pardon us sir, it's time to take you to your seat." Simon offered Kaisa a smile before allowing the guards to take him to the V.I.P. section. Now he could relax and watch as it was time for the show to begin.

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