Chapter 4:Code Mistake

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 Simon woke up drenched in his own sweat breathing heavily. It wasn't often that he got a dream he couldn't explain. But unfortunately for him this was one of those nights.. He walked out of his room rubbing his eyes trudging to the kitchen.

"I just brewed a fresh pot." Yasuo popped up sitting in the shared living room. Simon gave him a thumbs up and grabbed the biggest mug he could get his hands on.

"What time is it?" Simon groggily asked.

"About 10:30 what did you do when you got home that got Ekko so worked up?" Yasuo asked him.

"I told him about how I have a meeting today with LeBlanc." Simon answered him slowly, sipping his liquid lifeline. Yasuo looked at him puzzled.

"I didn't know you were going to try modeling." Yasuo spoke to him genuinely confused.

"I'm not. I ran into her on the balcony of Hexdrinker. We talked for like half an hour and then she told me she wanted me to go to her office today. Akali got pissed at me thinking I was avoiding everyone. I explained to her what happened and I guess she talked to Ahri. Then when I intervened with some dude trying to bug Ahri she told me she was going to take me to LeBlanc's office and to be dressed and ready to go by 12." Simon pinched the bridge of his nose.

Yasuo just gave him a dumbfounded expression, "Jesus christ, if I had your luck I'd stay inside all the time too." Simon just raised his mug and went back to his room. He knew he had about 90 minutes before Ahri should be there so he decided to just get ready now. He combed through his closet looking for something that wasn't ripped or covered in some kind of dried paint.

Simon realized that it was 11 and rushed to grab a quick shower. He came out wearing his black pants while trying to dry his hair. He looked out into the living room and saw both Akali and Ahri sitting in there with Senna and Qiyanna.

"Well good morning to you too sleepyhead." Qiyanna teased him. "Por qué no me dijiste que te reuniras con LeBlanc? (Why didn't you tell me you had a meeting with Leblanc?)"

"You were sleeping when I got home. The only reason Ekko knows is because he was having his 4 am bowl of cereal." Simon responded, "Wait, was I in the shower too long? What are you doing here already, Ahri?"

"That one's my fault. I wanted to come over to... Nevermind,she was coming to give you a ride anyway she just came with me." Akali answered. Simon just nodded before walking into his room and shutting the door. He came back out sporting a navy dress shirt with a black undershirt, a pair of faded black jeans and his boots.

"Alright it's time for us to be going.." Ahri looked him up and down,"Not bad."

"Hands off Ahri." Akali casually commented.

Ahri just gave her a chuckle," Fine fine I'll keep my hands to myself."

Even the confused one Simon followed her to the car and got in. It was a silent ride as Simon still didn't fully understand quite what was going on. They pulled up to a large office building..

'Jesus Christ this is huge." Simon said not even trying to filter his thoughts.

"This is one of their smaller ones. LeBlanc likes to keep her office here because it allows them to have an easier time filtering out people who shouldn't be allowed access." Ahri says. They pull up and a valet takes Ahri's key. They walk in, finding the receptionist a rabbit vastaya sitting at the main desk.

"How can I help you?" She asks ever so politely.

"Hi," Simon checks her name plate, "Aurora. LeBlanc told me to come meet her today?"

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