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I stood at the edge of the grand ballroom, my fingers wrapped delicately around the stem of a crystal champagne glass. The room glistened with opulence– chandeliers casting a warm light on the men and women clad in designer gowns and perfectly tailored tuxedos. The annual charity gala hosted by my family was in full swing, and my parents, as usual, had spared no expense to make it the event of the season.

Despite the glitz and glamour of the evening, I couldn't seem to shake the uncomfortable feeling washed over me. I'd never loved all these fancy events, they weren't really– me. 

"Taylor, sweetheart, have you seen Joe this evening?" My mother approached me with a gleaming smile. Andrea Swift was the epitome of high society grace; always perfectly poised, always elegantly dressed. Sometimes I swore I was adopted, because, aside from the fact that I was my mother's twin, I felt nothing like my parents.

My heart sank. "No, Mother, I haven't." I replied, my voice barely masking my irritation.

"Well, you simply must find him. He's looking forward to seeing you." My mom insisted, her tone leaving absolutely no room for argument. "He's such a bright, promising young man, and his family, well... they would be perfect for us."

I forced a smile, and nodded, then moved slowly through the crowd, my eyes scanning for Joe. When I finally spotted him, I took a deep breath. Joe was good looking, successful, charming, and what was evidentially most important– he came from a wealthy family, just like mine. He approached me with a confident smile.

"Taylor! You look beautiful tonight." Joe said, leaning in to gently kiss my cheek.

"Thank you, Joe." I replied politely. I knew what was expected of me, but tonight, the weight of those expectations felt unbearable.

As the evening went on, Joe stayed by my side, talking blandly about his latest business ventures and upcoming travels. I nodded and smiled at the appropriate moments, but my thoughts were elsewhere.

"Taylor, are you alright?" Joe's voice broke my reverie.

I blinked, realising I'd been lost in thought. "I'm sorry– Joe. I... I need some fresh air."

Without waiting for his response, I slipped away from the ballroom and out onto the balcony. The cool night air was a welcome relief, and I took a deep breath, in attempt to slow my racing heart.

"Taylor." A voice came from behind me and I turned, to see my father standing in the doorway.

"Father." I acknowledged, my voice steady.

"Is everything all right?" He asked, his expression softening, "You seemed a bit distracted tonight."

I gazed out at the city skyline, gathering my thoughts. "Can I talk to you about something important?"

Scott took a step closer, concern filling his eyes. "What is it, Taylor?"

"I'm 24 years old, and I know you and Mom have plans for me– involving Joe..." I started, choosing my words carefully, "But, don't you think I deserve to find love on my own?"

My father's face stiffened slightly and in that moment, I started to regret bringing this up. Coming from a wealthy family meant I was expected to marry someone from a wealthy family and although those rules were ridiculous and outdated in my mind, my family felt very strongly about them. It was 2014 for goodness sake, these rules should have been abolished years ago. According to my family, I was to marry a man of a family my parents approved of, and we'd move in together, have children, and continue the family legacy of wealth, business, and nothing more.

"Taylor, we've discussed this. Joe is a good match for you. He comes from a respectable family—"

"I don't care Father!" I interrupted, my voice firm. "Can't I just fall in love and get married to whoever I want, like every other girl in the world?" I begged, plead filling my eyes. "It's not like we're Royals, just because you're rich, why should I have no control over my own life?"

"Of course you have a choice Taylor." My father assured me firmly, laying a hand onto my back, "I trust your judgement– that you'll meet someone from a family like ours." He paused, and took a breath, "But why not make it easier on yourself? Joe is perfect for you. Your mother and I don't want to force him on you, but will you at least give him a chance? He's a good man, Taylor."

I sighed into the cold air, but nodded. I wouldn't be able to change my Father's mind. If I didn't marry Joe, it would have to be someone else just as boring, just as wealthy, just as 'respectable'. There was no point in arguing. And, as much as I despised my family's rules, they were probably right. I hadn't even given Joe a chance, and he was nice enough.

When I turned my head around, my Father was gone, and I noticed him mingling with people inside. Pressing my lips together, I joined back in the event, and found Joe, then stayed by his side, trying my hardest to get to know him.

In all honesty, I shouldn't have disregarded him so soon– Joe was a good person, like my parents had said, but I felt nothing towards him. In all the books I'd read, falling in love was supposed to feel like sparks, or fireworks and being the hopeless romantic I was, I didn't want to settle for a man until he made me feel that way; truly in love.

"Taylor!" A familiar voice rung behind my ears, and my face broke out into a wide grin as I turned around to see my best friend Abigail, walking towards me. Joe was busy in conversation, so I stepped away from him, and embraced my best friend in a hug.

Abigail was from a family as wealthy as mine, so, the same future was expected of her as me. However, she had gotten lucky, and met who was now her husband, Charles, in high school. He came from a charming, respectable family, so their parents had been overly excited upon finding out the two had fallen deep in love, and so, a year out of high school, they were married, and now, had a child together, and were still going stronger then ever.

Sometimes I wished I could just fall in love with someone my parents approved of. It would make my life so much easier. I'd marry them, move into a nice house with them, and continue to write music while I was at home with the children, and he went to work each day. That would be my parent's idea of a perfect life for me.

But, my heart had never reached out to any of the 'handsome', 'charming' men I'd been introduced to. I suppose I just hadn't met the right person yet.

"Are you coming along to the football game tomorrow evening? I hear it's being hosted by Joe's family this year." Abigail winked at me, and I forced a sarcastic smile onto my face.

"I'll be forced to go either way, won't I?" I laughed and Abigail giggled. She knew about my dream to find real true love one day, but along with my parents, tried to convince me to pursue a relationship with Joe. Charles and Joe were good friends, so really, it would work out perfectly, and I was the one being difficult but, my heart wasn't in it. "Do you know who's playing?"

"Just some local teams from the South side of town, don't worry, we don't have to talk to them." Abigail laughed and I politely laughed along, but I couldn't help but feel bad. The people from the South side of town were considered a lower class society, and we, as members of the upper class, weren't to interact with them, unless we were paying them to work for us. Heaven forbid I ever fell in love with someone from the South side, I'd likely be disowned by my family.

The night went on, and I mostly hung around Abigail until she had to go home to her daughter, then I was forced to stay by Joe's side until the evening came to an end.

"It was lovely to see you, Taylor." Joe smiled kindly, and leaned in to kiss my cheek goodbye, in the same way that he had greeted me.

"You too." I smiled back, as politely as I could manage. Maybe over time, I'd develop feelings for Joe, and we'd be happy together. That's what my parents hoped for. I truly couldn't think of anything worse than forcing feelings on myself, but I'd try, so that my parents would be proud.

The Story of Us: Taylor Swift x Travis KelceWhere stories live. Discover now