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"Dumpling, where are you running off to?" My father stopped me as I ran quickly down the main stairwell in my short, yellow sundress, heading for the front door.

"I'm going out for the day, Father. Do I need to remind you that I'm an adult?" I grinned cheekily at him, and he rolled his eyes, playfully. My father was strict when he wanted to be, but I knew I had him wrapped around my finger. For now at least.

I had woken up this morning to a text from Travis. God knows how he got my number, but he did, and he sent a simple "Good morning, meet me outside the gates at 9am." Persistent. That's for sure. My heart had skipped a beat as I read it, a mixture of excitement and mostly apprehension before I answered with a cautious, "Sure."

When I arrived after the long walk down my driveway to the main gates, I was met with Travis, flashing me a boyish grin that made my heart flutter, despite my doubts. "Ready for an adventure?" He asked, gesturing for me to follow him to his car.

I nodded tentatively as we climbed into his truck. It was old, and sort of looked like it may break down any minute, but for the first time in my life, I didn't care.

I felt a rush of conflicting emotions as we set off towards a nearby town that Travis had insisted was a beautiful place to visit. The drive was filled with easy conversation and shared laughter, yet I still couldn't shake off the nagging doubts that lingered in the back of my mind. I barely knew this man, but for some reason, he had a handle on me.

We arrived not long later at the small town, and began our day with Travis taking me to a little cafe for brunch. Over plates of avocado toast and delicious coffee, Travis told me stories of his childhood, and the close-knit community he grew up in. I listened intently, captivated by his genuine enthusiasm and the way he seemed so at ease with himself. He'd even insisted on paying, even though I knew he probably couldn't afford it.

After brunch, we strolled together through the towns bustling markets, sampling local cheeses and browsing handmade crafts. Travis's infectious energy and playful banter slightly eased my nerves, and I tried my best to relax.

Travis playfully tried on a floppy hat adorned with feathers, which made me burst into fits of laughter. "You definitely have a flair for fashion," I teased, nudging him playfully.

Travis grinned, tipping the hat dramatically, "Why thank you, madam," He replied, in a mock posh accent, making me laugh even harder.

As we explored the town further, we stumbled upon a small park with a pond in the middle, surrounded by large willow trees. Travis suggested we rent a paddleboat and venture out onto the water. I hesitated, my usual doubts wavering, but Travis's reassuring smile and gentle encouragement quickly won me over.

We paddled leisurely across the pond, the sunlight dappling through the leaves hanging above us. Travis shared anecdotes and funny stories, his laughter contagious. I found myself relaxing in his presence, my initial hesitations melting away as I began to enjoy the simple pleasure of being with him.

"You know," Travis said suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence between us, "I'm really glad you agreed to come today."

I smiled softly, feeling an unfamiliar warmth spread through my chest. "Me too." I admitted quietly, my voice tinged with vulnerability. I'd never been so close in this way with someone before. The men my parents had tried to get me to date were... well, very short-lived. I'd never so much as held hands romantically with someone. But Travis, made me feel different and suddenly, I wanted all those things that come with a romantic relationship.

Travis glanced at me, his gaze warm and understanding. "I know this might be different for you," he began gently, "but I want you to know that I appreciate you giving me a chance."

The Story of Us: Taylor Swift x Travis KelceWhere stories live. Discover now