Chapter Five

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Midnight washed the dishes after she finished eating the dinner for herself and Kovu. It was the second day of her father being at some business job, though she was already used it, she couldn't help but feel more angry if she kept talking about. She sighed as she looked out the window next to her, it was clearly dark out but for some reason, Midnight could see perfectly outside. A deer was currently sniffing the snow with a baby deer running to it, though the black-haired girl wonder why they weren't sleeping. Maybe they lost their home?

She shook the thought out of her mind since it was none of her business what animals do in their lives. Kovu barked at her as if he was saying goodnight and walked up the stairs. The girl with the scar on her nose couldn't fall asleep for some reason, she felt as if something inside of her was keeping her awake. She ran her fingers through her long black hair as she continued to look out the window, she noticed the deers had left but their tracks were still visible. The naked trees were covered in snow, and bushes were covered with snow as well, but you can see hints of green in it. Having nothing else to do, the black-haired girl turned off the faucet, grabbed her sleeveless jacket and walked outside.

The wind pushed against her hair as she walked outside, her house was right in front of the woods. She would often walk outside every time she was bored and didn't feel like drawing, she would never get lost and would always get back home without any struggles. When she was fourteen, she slept in a cave overnight and found out that her father didn't give a single crap and continued to act like nothing had happened. She walked on the small path of the woods, enjoying the peace and quiet without no one to bother her. Midnight then found a tree to lean, she sat down and crossed her legs as she leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest. She regretted not bringing her phone so she can listen to music, but it was too far away and she didn't feel like getting up.

Music was her escape from the real world. Midnight often listened to rock music instead of the new songs they're making today. Rap was too stupid for her, classic was too classic, and the other genres of music just wasn't her type. Midnight was an emotional person, but she always made sure to keep her emotions in check and keep it from the outside world. There were times where she thought of ending her life, but music was there for her at that time more than ever, music was her only friend in this world. "Coming Back Down" by Hollywood Undead had to be her favourite song by far, it talked to her most than any other songs that she liked.

She opened her eyes, but felt different somehow. Scrunching up her face, she looked behind her to look at another set of trees behind her. Wait, wasn't she she just leaning on a tree right now? She sighed she leaned her head up to the sky. She ran her hand behind her, but she still didn't feel the tree behind her, she put her hand in front of her. Her eyes widen when she saw it, her lips parted as it showed parts of her white teeth. Her hand was morphed into a shadow, something that people don't see everyday. She lifted her hand and went through the tree to only push her hand through, without it getting hurt or anything. Her lifted her other hand to notice it was the exact same as her other one.

Thinking of a random object in her mind, Midnight watched as shadow ran through her hand and parts of the ground. Something was coming out of her hand and she began to get weirded out, she knew she wasn't living in a fantasy world so why was this happening to her? This was the real world, meaning this wasn't suppose to be happening, but it clearly was happening and she couldn't anything to stop it. Finally a blade was formed in her hand, but this was a blade Midnight never saw before. The blade had a pointy tip with the ridges narrowing down to have a long handle with a circle at the tip, a small hole in the middle.

Raising an eyebrow, she threw it at one of the nearby trees and it made the shot she wanted to hit. Shadows were still coming up her arm but she didn't she didn't seem to care anymore. She had magic now, magic that wasn't even suppose to be real but here she was now, a girl who now has magic; shadow magic. Nothing ran through her head as she got up and walked back to her house as shadows still crawled up her arms but soon stopped once she reached her house.

She knew she was different, and she now had proof that she was.

She opened the door to her house, sighing as she turned off the lamps that each room had, she walked to the bathroom, noting that the only thing that was shining was her crimson red eyes. The pupil was black of course, but the rest of her eyes were red, like a monster's eye. She blinked, then her eyes were back to the normal color they were. She flicked the switch on, lighting up the bathroom only to see her reflection looking back at her.

"It's not healthy to cry alone. It's more healthy when you have someone to cry with."

Midnight tried not to flinch when an unfamiliar voice popped in her head. First magic appeared out of thin air and now some dude's voice showed up in her head like it was nothing. She walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen where she got a glass of water and drunk it down, but it didn't exactly help with the voices popping in her head.

"It's apart of life, I guess. You lose people that you love and you can never bring them back."

Midnight spit out the drink into the sink below her, she was getting frustrated and she didn't know what to do anymore. Who the flip was this voice and why was it talking to her?

I hate this chapter for a reason...

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