Chapter Thirty-four

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"The Summer Night Killers have struck again. This morning at 8:14, a family of four were all found dead in their home in Copper, Kansas. The house was ravaged, and after compared to other victims' houses by the police, was confirmed to be another target of the Summer Night Killers. We are all deeply sorry for all of you who mourn the loss of the Jordans and have you in our prayers. We recommend to keep all possible entrances to your house locked securely tonight so we can avoid, once again, one of these terrible assaults until the assaulters are caught."

Xander returned to looking at his book as the next set of commercials came on after the news report, but as much as he wanted to read, his thoughts wouldn't let him. He glanced at the large grandfather clock sitting near the edge of the living room. It was 10:42 at night, and although he didn't have to get up early for anything the next day (he was on summer break), he realized he was tired enough to settle into his comfy bed. With a sigh, he got up, closing his book with a bookmark on the page he left off on, and went over to his mother, who was sitting on the couch watching the night commercials.

"Goodnight, mom," the boy said. "Dad works tomorrow, right?"

"Yes," the blonde-haired woman answered with a smile. "He's already sleeping in our bedroom, so try your best to be quiet in your room."

Xander nodded. "Of course." He leaned down and hugged her, in which she returned. "Love you, mom."

"Love you, too." She kissed his cheek before Xander pulled back and began walking up the old, creaking stairs to his room.

The house he lived in was small, fitting because he was an only child, living with just his mother and father. It was an old house, proven by the creaking floors and chipped walls, in which his mom vowed to have fixed one day, but it was perfect. He had lived there his entire life. The first floor held the living room, the kitchen, a small bathroom, and his parents' room, while the second held his bedroom. Literally, there was a single set of stairs leading up to one door, in which laid his room. It was more like an attic, but Xander thought it was perfect for him, just like the house. It was his home.

But although he was tired, he couldn't fall asleep for the life of him. He continually tossed and turned in his bed, and even listening to classical music didn't calm his mind, not that he was too overflowing with deep thoughts. And it wasn't even entirely because of the infamous Summer Night Killers, but more of a strange discovery of himself and, perhaps, of the world.

Just when he thought he was finally drifting off into sleep, a loud noise that sounded like breaking glass jolted him wide awake, followed by a heart-stopping scream from his mother.

All Xander did was stare at his closed door, frozen, before finally forcing himself to get out of his bed. He opened the door very slowly, for once cursing the old wood's creaking. He peeked down the stairs, but unfortunately couldn't see much from where he was at the very top. The only thing he heard was the television's commercials. Cautiously and with his heart pounding in his ears, he crept down the stairs.

"Mom?" he called out softly in a shaking voice. Nothing responded.

He stopped near the bottom of the stairs and looked at the living room. The television was definitely still on, but he couldn't see his mother sitting on the couch where she was before he went to his room (the stairs were some distance behind the couch). Suddenly, he felt a breeze of fresh air climb across his skin.

I don't remember mom opening any windows.

His eyes flicked to one of the windows edging the front door to see the shattered glass on the floor. His heart skipped a beat in horror before he rushed to the sitting area. Looking over the couch, Xander's face gaped in a silent gasp as he saw his mother, bleeding and bruised, lying motionlessly on the floor, her terrified eyes still open.

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