Part 1

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(Third person's POV)

At the School Rooftop

Staring at his picture on her phone, she sighed. She really regret the day that she made the wrong decision. She sighed again. I sat on the ground waiting for the class to start.

"You know, you should stop doing that" She glanced above only to find her best friend, Anntonia Porsild smiling at her.

"Oh, it’s just you" She replied

"Are you expecting someone else?" "Aww. . . C'mon Rhian . . You still haven't forgotten him?" Anntonia asked

"Sadly no" Rhian replied "I mean for how many years I felt guilty. . . I just can't get this feeling off my chest" she added.

Then a silence came in between the two of them.

"Anntonia, did Michelle asked you yet?" Rhian asked her, hoping to forget her worries even just for a moment

"W-wh-what are you talking about? Were just childhood friends!" Anntonia blushed

"Really? It didn't seem that way. You look like a married couple who is always fighting" Rhian teased

"No, we’re not a married couple!... He's not even my boyfriend yet" Anntonia blushed as she  whispered her last sentence.

Rhian smirked. "Hm~ I heard that you chased him again this yesterday" Rhian said.

*sigh "Of course I have to, I'm the student council president and that payatot having a blonde hair  is against the school rules" Anntonia replied "Honestly, when there are general assembly’s you could easily spot him. It's distracting!" Anntonia said

Rhian giggled at her response. "At least you could spot him easily" Rhian teased

"Mou~ Rhian!" Anntonia shouted while having a flushed face.


"Ahh. . . Its time already" Rhian said

"Let’s go back, class is about to start" Anntonia said while heading to the door.

(Someone's POV)

"Ah. . . It’s good to be free!" I exclaimed not minding the questioning looks of the people.

"So, what am I going to do today?" I asked myself out loud. I leisurely walked on the streets of Makati.

While strolling, I saw some girls around my age. I winked at them and they blushed and giggled. Then I continued to walk and stopped in front of an arcade store.

"A good place to pass the time" I said to myself

I tried the shooting game. I positioned myself like a professional marksman and began to shoot the enemies. After some time a crowed started to gather around me admiring my sharp shooting skills and also my good looks. I almost beat the highest score when-

"Woah~ He may be good but his zipper is open!" Someone shouted

I lost my concentration and died.

The crowd suddenly disappeared. I returned the gun in its holster crossed my arms on my chest and glared at the blond boy who was grinning.

"You did that on purpose, right?" I asked him.

His grin turns into smirk.

"Well I just can't let anyone beat my highest score" he replied still smirking.

"Whatever...I'm outta here" I said. I put my hands on my pocket and decided to leave.

"Wait..."He held my wrist."Are you from Makati Science High School?" he asked

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