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In a certain restaurant in Makati, two couples are having a great time while having their double date. They have gone separate ways after they graduated in high school, each couple went to a different university, but they still remained friends. After their hectic finals their in college, the four friends decided to meet up during a holiday. One is blonde hair who is feeding his girlfriend, a girl with a black hair sitting right next to him, with pasta. Sitting across from her is a close friend of hers, a brunette with brownish slightly-curly hair and her fiancé; the two of them are observing the happy-eating couple with smiles on their faces.

"How's la salle? .... Is it really hard there?" Glaiza asked

"Not really... so far I enjoyed my stay in there, lots of activities and vacant classes... "Michelle answered.

"Me too.. Although, I hope your classes are really vacant or are you just skipping them??.."

Anntonia, who was seated next to Michelle, replied while eyeing her boyfriend. Michelle in return just laughed nervously while rubbing his cheek "Of course I won't do that Anntonia.... I want to graduate the same time as you.

Rhian and Glaiza just sweat-dropped while looking at them.

"It seems like you really have a hard time, huh Michelle?..." Glaiza feeling pity for his friend just shook his head side-ways.

"How about the two of you... how is Ateneo University ? I heard that there were drop-outs last month." Michelle asked

"Well, it's their fault for slacking off... I always get good grades so I got no problems..." Glaiza grinned while huffing his chest proudly.

"Not just good, your grades are excellent!... I wish you could give me some of your brain cells.." Rhian, the brunette with long locks, pouted

"Rhian, if I could, I would... but for now, let's just stick with tutoring, okay?..." Glaiza pinched his fiancée's cheek softly

"okay " she replied

"I wish Michelle's just like you, Glaiza..." Anntonia sighed while avoiding eye-contact with the person seated right next to her.

"Why is that?"

"He got the lowest score in their test"

"Ooohhh...What subject?"


"Calculus huh?... I admit, it's a little hard..." Glaiza replied

"You see Anntonia!... even Glaiza here, our valedictorian in high school, admits that Calculus is hard!! . . . There's no way I would ace it like you hoped" Michelle claimed

"I said it's a LITTLE hard.... Even Rhian managed to pass" Glaiza held Rhian's hand earning a smile from her.

"I see, so even Rhian huh" Anntonia murmured

"I suggest that you would change your tutoring methods, Ann" Glaiza began to stroke his invisible beard

"What do you mean?" Anntonia asked.

"For example, if Rhian passed the test, I would treat her ice cream or crepes and such but if she manages to ace her test, I would do anything she asks for and it worked! " Glaiza grinned.

"But did she aced her test?" Michelle asked with his curiosity piqued.

"W-Well...Only once... and it was HORRIBLE!" he exclaimed

"No it's not... in fact, it was romantic" Rhian swooned while Glaiza was having a terrified look on his face and his arms formed an X to show his dread.

"What did you made him do?" Michelle asked, stifling his laughter as he glanced at his friend.

"Well, in our monthsary, I asked him to take me in a hot air balloon festival" Rhian answered

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