Part 2

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(Michelle's POV)

I cursed myself for being so weak when it comes to Anntonia. Here I am sitting beside her and across me is her father and beside him is her mother. And I am enjoying the meal right in front of me.

'Gad! Why am I so weak?! Anntonia, why do you have to be so cute?!' I asked myself

"So Michelle... How are you?" Mr. Porsild asked

"I'm fine sir" I replied.

"Anntonia said that you always skip classes" he said

"Well...I only do it sometimes.." I shyly replied

"Don't worry my boy, when I was your age I do it also but my wife here always drag me back to school" he laughed

"Well it's kinda like our situation" I whispered

"Michelle, don't you know? Every time we eat Anntonia would always mention you". “She would always pout when she doesn't see you at school and she would always talk non-stop about you beating up bullies” Mrs. Porsild chuckled

I looked at Anntonia beside me "You do?" I asked her

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No response. She just blushed and continued eating.

Her parents looked at me then to Anntonia then back at me. Then her father smirked.

"I assume that you two already kissed" her father said

Both of us blushed and looked away.

"So who initiated? Was it you Michelle?" he asked still smirking

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"I thought so" he said and we continued eating.

I'm always nervous whenever I'm talking to him, its like he is the boss and I am having a job interview.
I took a cup of water to drown my nervousness down.

"Okay, so when is the wedding?" he asked me

I coughed the water I was drinking.

"Dad!" Anntonia shouted

"My, my..." her mother said

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand while Anntonia is patting my back and asked me if I was alright.

"I still haven't asked your daughter's hand in marriage, sir" I answered regaining my composure

Anntonia blushed. While her father and mother laughed heartily.

"What, you still haven't asked her to marry you? Gosh...Kids these days are slow" he said

"Calm down dear, I'm pretty sure that they like to take things slowly" Mrs. Porsild smiled at me

"Geez, we're not even together yet" Anntonia murmured

"Michelle I think you took into consideration in marrying my daughter because you said 'still haven't' " he looked at me seriously.

"We-well... I-I" I stuttered

"I'm done eating... Thank you for the food" Anntonia rose up her chair

"Michelle, let's go to my room"

She held my wrist and dragged me upstairs.

"Children, be sure to keep it down" Mrs. Porsild said

Anntonia and I blushed as we proceed upstairs.

We entered her room. It's was different than it used to be. Dolls and posters of princesses used to found but it was replaced by nail polish and make-up kits also the posters of her favorite Artist, are plastered up on  her wall. But in the corner of her room, I could see a mountain of stuff toys, I guess she still has her childish side.

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