𝐕𝐈𝐈. mine

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A small, colorful bird fluttered hastily away as Myrcella and Sansorr stepped onto the gravel path, uttered a warning song for its fellows and disappeared somewhere in the hedges.

"You like it here?"

"Yes," Sansorr smiled briefly at Myrcella, who was still walking beside him, "It's very different from my home."


"Winterfell. It's so cold there that people don't have time to go to so much trouble for... looks. I love the snow and the north, but here it's beautiful in a completely different way. Not so rough. Do you miss home?"

"No. I love Dorne. Kings Landing smells bad and... the people are very different here. More open and honest. Not so uptight."

Sansorr had to laugh at his observation of the princess. "Yes, very true. Kings Landing smells like shit, by the gods!"

Myrcella joined in his laughter. "Really. Nothing ever stinks here."

They walked on, wandering through the extensive gardens. Somewhere a fountain splashed and more colorful birds hopped around on the paths and flew over their heads.

"You're limping... May I ask why?" Myrcella spoke up cautiously.

"Nasty injury. I fell..." memories flashed through his mind and he swallowed a little, "I fell. Without your uncle, I would have lost my leg for sure. He took... good care of it."

Myrcella led him on until they came to a stone bench in a small gravel square, sheltered by hedges. A stream babbled gently.

"We can keep going... I'll be fine, it's not that bad."

"No, I want to sit," the princess announced and Sansorr smiled slightly, settling down beside her and stretching out his weaker leg. Myrcella reminded him of his nieces and suddenly he missed them painfully.

"You like him a lot, don't you?"

His thoughts returned to the present and he turned to Myrcella, who was looking at him intently.

"Who?" Sansorr asked cautiously, although the question immediately brought a man to his mind. He was a complete idiot, damn it.

"My uncle. Jaime."

Sansorr opened his mouth and closed it again.

"It's all right. No one in Dorne would judge you for it. I won't either. I promise," Myrcella looked at him curiously, her emerald eyes piercing but soft at the same time. Sansorr seriously wondered how anyone could believe that she could be related to the fat monster Robert. At the same time, she was hardly like Cersei. Yes, she really had to be Jaime's daughter.

"Yes, I like him a lot,",Sansorr sighed and rubbed his mouth, not knowing what else to say to that. He was in love with Jaime, very much so. For the first time in his life, he was really attracted to a man in this way. And he knew that he and Jaime would probably ruin each other. But well, let it be. He already was ruined.

"He likes you too," Myrcella raised her voice again and Sansorr had to grin against his will, shaking his head.

"That's very kind of you, Myrcella. But I am more than 20 years older than you. I've also been different from... other men all my life. I know I won't spent the rest of my life with Jaime."

The young princess looked at him curiously and attentively, but at the same time held the posture befitting a princess.

"Is that why you wanted to walk with me? To interrogate me?" Sansorr asked with a grin.

"Oh, no. Just a little. I wanted to say goodbye to the gardens with someone who sees them as special as I do."

"I see," Sansorr smiled a little and eyed the young princesses.

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