Chapter 4

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We all had gathered around a burning campfire. Rita had decided to accompany us. I was seated in between Chet and Xavier. I had a can of cold beer held in one hand, and a cigarette in the other. I took a puff of my cig while I got nudged by Chet. I turned to see him offering me a lit joint which I gladly accepted and inhaled on. I then passed it on to Xavier who very seductively took his long drag. Finally he very dramatically offered it to Rita. 

“I don't smoke that funny weed.” she jokingly declined, “The only thing I put in my lungs… is a Marlboro Red.” she went and grabbed Ray’s cig straight out of his mouth and took a puff off of it.

“You know that shit will kill you?” Xavier asked while he stood and handed the joint to Montana.

“All gotta die somehow.” she answered, “Have any of you been camp counselors before?”



Hell no.” I said.

“Nah, we just had to get out of LA.” Ray mentioned.

“I hear that.” she said, “Couldn't stand being in that city another minute. Not with all those gruesome murders happening so close to home.”

“I was attacked in my apartment.” Brooke spoke up. NOT THIS AGAIN.

“By the Night Stalker.” she added, “He said he’d come after me.”

“Brooke take a chill pill.” Montana told her, “He doesn't know where you are and nobody followed us. Nothing bad is gonna happen here.”

“Maybe not, but something did.” Rita replied, “14 years ago.”

We all looked at her completely oblivious. Girl, I didn't know what she was talking about.

“That's why they closed this place down.” she added. 

“Rita, I totally understand the tradition, and usually I'm cool with that.” Xavier cut her off, “But, our friend Brooke here, had a real assault, we’re just not in the mood for some bullshit ghost story.”

He got up to move next to Brooke. Rude. How dare he ditch me for that lying bitch.

“It's not bullshit.” she defended, “And there was no ghost. I'll be honest with you, I've never been a nurse at a summer camp before and you’ve never been counselors. So how did we get these jobs with no prior experience?”

“Great question.” I spoke.

“That's because anybody who knows anything about Camp Redwood, doesnt wanna be in Camp Redwood.”

We all looked at each other with grins that said “yeah okay”

“This is the site of the worst summer camp massacre of all time.” she explained.

“Come on Rita.” Xavier rolled his eyes.

“His name was Benjamin Richter. But everybody called him Mr. Jingles.” She told us, “Richter was drafted into the Vietnam War. They sent him off to Saigon, and that's where he found his calling. He had the highest kill rate in his company. And even after he was wounded, he went back for a second tour. See, he liked to kill, and he was good at it. He had a nasty habit of collecting trophies from his enemies. Cut off their ears and strung them into a necklace.”

What the actual fuck was wrong with this dude. He sounded like someone that needed extreme therapy. I would not wanna come into contact with this guy. 

“Jesus.” was whispered around.

“Army found out about it and gave him a dishonorable discharge. Richter came home to nothing. Only job he was able to get... was right here in Camp Redwood. Nobody knows exactly why he snapped. But one random night, Mr. Jingles grabs a knife and slaughters an entire cabin. Ten victims in all.” she explained, making sure to include all of the terrible details that sent shivers down my spine.

“You're wrong.” we heard Margaret’s voice come out of the woods, “If you're gonna tell a story, tell it right.”

“Alcohol is not allowed.” she snatched the flask out of Ray’s hands and dumped out the contents, “And neither are those funny smelling cigarettes, what are those cloves?”

“So nothing happened here?” I pondered.

“No, there was a massacre.” she explained, “But only 9 died, not 10.”

“So Mr. Are Jingles real?” Brooke’s voice shook.

Just then, Margaret reached up and moved away her hair to uncover a scar of a missing ear. My eyes opened wide as I looked away. I looked at Chet with fear in my eyes. He could tell so he rubbed his hand on my back, calming me down. Xavier now looked at me, I could see jealousy pooled in his eyes at the sight of Chet with his hands on me. He didn't do anything besides staring daggers.

This place was gonna make me have a panic attack. I get really bad panic attacks. Like, REALLY BAD. I could potentially stop breathing. I cant ever breathe and when I can, its loud as fuck. The loud breaths could easily give me away to a killer. It was a problem I had since my first spelling test back in second grade.

“Now, I don't usually show off, but since you all are helping me start this camp, I think you deserve to know everything.” she said and took a seat on one of the stumps beside me.

“I was asleep when I heard it. It was the sound of his keys... jingling. I opened my eyes a split-second before I felt the blade. But I knew I was going to die. But then a miracle happened. I saw a bubble rising to the surface, and I had this powerful urge to follow it up to the light. I was so scared. I didn't know how I could stay still. But then the light became so bright. I was lost in it, in the warmth and peace. It was Jesus. I had known him my whole life, but I truly met him that day. I floated out of my body, held aloft by the wings of an angel. From above, I saw him cut off my ear, but I gave him nothing. Not a twitch or a sound. And that's how I managed to survive, through the grace of God and His mercy.” she explained in insane detail. 

“What happened to Mr. Jingles?” was asked.

“He was arrested and put on trial. I was the star witness. The jury only took an hour to find him guilty, and I thought, "That will be the end of it." But I can't escape him. And that's why I bought this camp. To reopen it. And to take all of my darkest memories and turn them into something bright and happy.” she ended. 

My breath was taken from me. I had tears pooled in my eyes mixed with fear. This poor woman. Everything was ripped from her yet she still came back swinging.

“Dude.” Chet said, “That's heavy.” NO SHIT IT IS.

“Okay, well... the kids are coming tomorrow, and this is the last time I want anyone talking about that horrible night.” she finished and without another word, left the campfire.

All of us looked at each other with fear and remorse. At least he was locked up. If he had gotten away all those years ago, I would be booking it. But he was locked up tight so we wouldn't be worrying. At least they wouldn't, I probably would without reason. On the way back to the cabin, Xavier approached my side and put his arm around my shoulder.

“You okay?” he questioned, “That story seemed to scare you.”

“I'm fine.” I answered, “He’s locked up for good. There isn't a logical reason for me to be scared.”

“I just wanted to make sure you were alright.” he said looking down on me, “God you are gorgeous.”

“Speak for yourself.” I shrugged, “You’re like a goddess. I can see why people would want to hire you for films.”

“Says the gold medalist dancer. I was about to pound Chet’s face in when he touched you.” he said.

“I saw your expression.” I giggled.

“Youre mine.” he said as we arrived at the cabin, “I'm so lucky I met you.”

“Right back at you.” I smiled as we all sat down on the ground.

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