Chapter 29 : The Last Promise♡

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Edward approached his father, who stood at the edge of the park, watching the people around him.

The importance of his task weighed heavily on him, but he gathered his courage, determined to complete it. He looked back once, imagining the faces of Stefan, his mom, and Manjari, drawing strength from their love and trust.

Fletcher heard the footsteps and looked up with an impatient scowl. "You're late," he growled.

Edward forced a casual shrug. "Car trouble. Got a puncture."

Fletcher narrowed his eyes, suspicion evident in his features. "Is that so? Well, we're almost out of time. We need to move quickly if we're going to launch the attack."

Edward felt a cold sweat break out across his skin. He struggled to keep his voice steady. "Of course. I'm ready."

He hated himself for saying this but had no choice left.

Fletcher examined his face and stepped closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Tonight's going to be a blast, my boy. Remember your words, right?"

A shiver ran down Edward's spine, but he nodded and slipped his hand into his pocket to grip the hidden knife. He went over his plan in his mind, knowing this might be his only chance to stop his father's plan of terror without having to kill him.

Suddenly, he made his move, drawing the knife and lunging at Fletcher. But before he could act, a sharp blow hit the back of his head. Pain exploded in his skull, and he fell to the ground, the knife sliding away.

He felt like he was about to DIE !!! His vision blurred, and his head ached intensely. He felt a liquid in his hand and saw it was his blood. He was bleeding.

Groaning in pain, Edward looked up to see Charlotte standing over him, dressed as a maiden, her smile wicked.

Betrayal and shock filled his eyes as he tried to understand this from his childhood friend. He expected it from her, but not with his father.

Fletcher grabbed Edward by the hair and pulled him up roughly, causing Edward to wince in pain.

"Did you really think you could trick me? Fool me?" Fletcher whispered angrily, his breath warm against Edward's ear.

"I know you still love that girl and want to save her. How dare you betray me? I knew you wouldn't join me without a diabolical plan." He hisses.

Edward's heart pounded with fear and anger. His father knew all along, and Charlotte had betrayed him. But worse still, his family was now in grave danger.

Fletcher threw Edward to the ground and kicked him hard in the stomach. Edward bent over, coughing up a little blood. He found it hard to breathe, his thoughts racing with images of Manjari, Stefan, and his mom.

Fletcher turned to Charlotte. "Make sure he's secured. We can't have him interfering with our plans tonight."

Charlotte nodded, her expression cold as she bound Edward's hands and feet. She leaned in close, her voice a whisper only he could hear. "I told you once, Edward, that we were meant to be together, but you chose her over me. Over us."

Edward glared up at her, his eyes burning with rage and betrayal. "No, we were not, and this isn't over," he gasped.

"Oh, but it is," Charlotte replied with a chilling smile. She stepped back and gestured for one of the soldiers to take him inside.

The man grabbed him and threw him into the car trunk where no one could see.

Edward struggled against his restraints, feeling desperate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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