002 To Knock at Doomsday

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TW ━━━━━
Mentions of death, suicide and gore.
The conversations in the early half
are a little dark, so please bear

❝ Be your own charioteer through life, No patriot will guide you in this age

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❝ Be your own charioteer through life,
No patriot will guide you in this age. ❞


The image in your heart is inked in red. It is a mosaic blur of memories of the lives you've lived, an uncaring splash of grief on your thoughts. You're desperate, very deeply desperate to think back to good moments — the laughs and the chaos before you turned seventeen, but that throb deep within your chest is only capable of flowing blood into your pulse, an ugly reminder of the days that followed the joy.

You can't blame the heart for spluttering the horrors of your past into your arteries. How can you, when your purpose now is to serve that blood?

You wished wholeheartedly that when you think of them, your companions, you'll remember their smile, that you'll remember a cozy Christmas night within the dorms or a dream-like sleep after the Cultural Festival, not their faces drowned in grime and tears.

But fate is cruel to have you pitched against one of the malefactors leading to that grim, grim world and expect you to stay composed.

He's standing a metre or two away, trying his best to hide the shaking in his arms, eyes widened at the scalpel grazing his face. Looking at his astonished, almost horrified face, a part of you feels extreme satisfaction.

In the past, you were legally bound to keep away from this man once he was taken into confinement after the raid at the Jaku Central Hospital all while he relished in the knowledge of the nightmares his creations led the world into.

That's not the case this time around.

He has no criminal records attached to his name just yet, but you're fairly certain that he has long since been in the works of the artificially created Nomus. You're not sure how far along have his experiments reached, but now that you've been given a chance to get an answer to the most crucial of questions, you'll accept it with open arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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