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It was a beautiful Tuesday morning, Evan was in the kitchen, suddenly realizing it was Tuesday, meaning Txtuesday would be today! So he decided to make some coffee and set some alarms to know when to stream and go live on titkok.
Suddenly, Cam walked in, acting strange.. cam wasn't normally a morning person, but today, as soon as he woke up, he seemed super energetic. It was quite unlikely of him, but either way, he was acting off

"Hey cam, you okay? Your acting a little off today?" Evan asked with some slight confusion in his voice

"Of course I am alright my dear friend! I'm just very err.. Happy today!" Cam responded in a very energetic voice

"I'll take your word for it cam." Evan responded while walking away holding a cup of coffee then sitting in the living room to watch TV


hello, if you could not tell. I am not cam. I am a clone that has been made of his programed to Un alive Evan. May it be through any way. The other cam is locked into our basement.

He will be delt with next.

Tx2 (THE CAMBUSH GONE WRONG)Where stories live. Discover now