Reassurance + Lavender Tea

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Kenji has been staying up countless nights taking care of the baby Kaiju so it's no wonder he was doing so bad at baseball. He had always been the best of the team, now he's missing every ball, something was up. You're his roommate and best friend but you also tend to his robotic friend, Mina. You help whenever she needs a big update and Kenji hasn't been more thankful.

The baby Kaiju, also known as Emi, wailed all night last night but you couldn't hear, only Kenji did. It wasn't a great situation considering that he had a big game tonight.
You're sitting in the living room and you're trying to calm Emi down. She's crying because she misses Kenji and to be honest, you kind of do too.

You put on his live baseball game and she instantly calms down. You look up at the TV admiring him, even when he misses. You feel bad at how upset he gets and how self destructive he is.

"Hey, Mina, Can you keep Emi distracted?", You say to Mina

The robot glides over to Emi's glass

"Yes, Of course"

You smile and go into the kitchen. You figured that tonight was going to be a long one. You prepare Kenji's favorite snacks and a lavender tea to help with stress. Lavender tea and a long talk always calms him down. You go back to check on Emi and see that Mina started playing a lullaby to make her sleep since it was getting late.

An hour goes by and you sit in the living room, waiting for Kenji to get back home. You hear the door open and he takes his shoes off angrily.

"Welcome back, Kenji", Mina's robotic voice speaks at the front door and she glides to her charging station.

His footsteps echo through his large house into the living room and he sees you in the living room. His tall figure looking at you while you sit on the couch. He also notices the amount of snacks and the lavender tea on the coffee table.

You know him so well

"You did all this for me?", He asks you, looking with his big, grey eyes and his anger disappearing from his face.

You nod with a grin and feel his muscular arms wrap around you into a hug. He holds the hug for quite some time, he seems like he needs some comfort right now. He pulls back from the hug and sits down on the couch with you and takes a sip of his tea.

"The game went really bad...", Kenji admits and his facial expression is defeated as he looks at the ground

You shake your head. You HATE when he talks back about himself or his abilities.

"Don't say that, Ken, you have a lot on your shoulders and you're really one of the best living baseball players I've seen in awhile." , You try your best to reassure him, it's difficult when he gets like this.



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(Imagine he's holding tea^^)

He shrugs almost pushing off what you said.

"Maybe... I'm just not fit for baseball..." He looks away sadly. He's having a huge crisis between choosing what he loves doing and what his duty is. World's greatest baseball player or Ultraman, the superhero who saves the city.

"You are fit for baseball, Ken, you just have a lot on your shoulders right now. It's going to be okay, we can figure it out. Together." You attempt to reassure him once again and you see his stressful frown turn into a calmer smile.

You put your head on his shoulder and he has a feeling he's never felt before. Butterflies swarm like a tornado inside his stomach and he tries his best not to start blushing.

"I'm really glad you're my roommate, Y/N. You make my life so much easier.", He admits and puts his head on top of yours and sets his empty cup down.

You smile at his words and he stares down at you. He has a very badly hidden look of longing inside his eyes.

"What is it??", you tilt your head and look up.

He shakes his head and struggles to find the words

"It's nothing... It's just... can I kiss you?", He blurts out silently. He has a look of regret after what he just said and your eyes widen. "I'm sorry, forget I even said anything, we're just friends", he says nervously.

You look up at him and you realize he's fallen in love with you.

"Maybe we can be more than friends", you smile at him with a blush on your face. He cups your face with his large hands and places a gentle kiss on your lips.

The night goes on and you both talk with each other, laugh, and eventually fall asleep in each other's arms.




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