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    "Wow the Queen Bee shops at Gap? Aren't you out of your comfort zone?"

    "At least I can afford quality clothes dirthead king."

    "Where's your minions?" the dirthead king replies.

    "Izod. And why do you care anyway? You're ugly and unworthy of my time."

    He looks at his beat up pair of Converse and then back at me saying, "Are you as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside?"

    "Was that flirting or an insult dirthead?"

    "What do you want it to be Queen Bee?" he asks smirking at me.

    I'd been dealing with my own personal stalker since freshman year of high school but I never thought I'd like the attention. I look him up and down taking note of his beauty and how much he's changed.

    I am betrayed by my body when I blush, to coverup my mistake I say, "I want it to be the last time I ever speak to your ugly, stupid, looking face again."

    "Don't be ashamed of finding me sexy Queen Bee, lots of women in school do." he says smirking at me again.

     "Gag me with a spoon! In your dreams dirthead, you're butt ugly and out of your league."

    "By the way yuppie your stupid loser of a boyfriend Ken is French kissing your redhaired minion, near the fountain in the foodcourt. I thought you should know because you deserve better than a piece of shit like him."

    Um...thanks." I say only to find the dirthead king gone.

I buy some new clothes and start thinking that maybe I had been too harsh. I truly never cared how I treated the dirthead king, until now.

I then walk out to the center of the mall and wave to Aurora and Heather, who are coming from Izod.

"Hey, BFF's over here!"

They come over quickly running to me, "Taylor, we saw the dirthead king coming from The Gap! Was he shopping, stealing, or bothering you?" Heather asks me.

"He didn't steal or shop he actually just came to tell me that Franceseca and Ken are French kissing by the water fountain! Did you guys know?"

"Well...um...sort of...but Fran..."

I cut Heather off angrily, "You're such a terrible friend! How could you keep something like this from me? Screw you!"

I hurry to the escalator and wait on it with the other people until I reach the first level, and walk angrily over to the water fountain.

My heels clicking hard as I walk alerting Ken and Francesca of my presence. They both look up at me in shock obviously not expecting me to know about them.

"Well, Franceseca, this explains why you wanted to crash my shopping day with Aurora and Heather when you were going to be 'busy' when I first asked you!"

"I...um...it's just that he asked me..."

Ken cuts her off saying "Taylor, this isn't what it looks..."

I cut Ken off and say, "Save it Ken, I don't want to hear your excuses about cheating on me!"

"How did you find out?" Francesca asks me.

"It doesn't matter you bimbette betty you're a terrible person and the worst friend ever!"

"Come on Taylor, you know that I love you. You know how much you mean to me, and much I love your body." Ken continues.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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