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Beverly Hills, California 90210 the fashion capital of the world but even more fashionable in the '80s. There's no question about it ... Beverly Hills is THE place to be if you have money. The year is 1985 and there are only two types of people that defy the times and the town, the yuppies or the super-rich kids with nothing but fake friends. There are two estates in which they live, Harker Heights and Quartz Hills, and everyone who could possibly be anyone in those estates went to Sunset Grove Country Club. And the dirtheads the poor kids who live on the bad side of town with nothing but the mere idea of ​​money, and surrounded by drugs, graffiti, drunks for parents, and basically anything that could make them seem trashy. The dirthead kids could only ever dream of the money, beauty, fancy cars, estates, and a country club because they knew they could never amount to anything compared to the yuppies. 

Or at least that's what they were told and that is what they believed to be true.

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