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I pressed my fingers to my temple and took a deep breath ,
“  I can do this ” I said before entering the class . I almost ran to my seat which was at the corner and at the Last , My official residence in section A after I broke up with .....damn.  I got into section b with my best friend Tia a 5'7 girl who saved me from a lot of unfamiliar people when I was just a fresher 8 years ago and since then we have done everything together except I tried soo hard to get into section A for someone who got me traumatized now I was praying for the bell to ring and me to rush to section B where it feels like home in the last benches eating and giggling together .
And as soon as the bell rang I left the class even before the teacher could . She gave me a murderous look but I didn't care for I was too happy to leave the class that almost suffocated me to death.
“ Bro , I am here ". I called her out with a jovial expression.... from the entrance itself.
“ Was waiting for you man ". she replied enthusiastically .
I managed to pass through the rush almost tumbling twice before reaching the last bench , usually I sat with Tia while her partner , our group member Shivi changed her place for that one period but because two days she complained that she felt leftout when I and Tia are together so I decided to find another place to sit , thankfully the left corner seat right next to Tia was half occupied so I frooze there instantly or else I would be homeless for a period. After a while when the rush was over I figured that I was seated with Adwait ,one of my friends .....a good one I must say. We share the same last names so something feel homely about him . I gave him a high-five and he flickered his gaze instantly God ...shy baby ! I thought and a little smile slipped from my lips .

“ Want a biscuit? "
“ No thanks . " He replied in a very inexpressive , lackluster manner .
“ Fine ."
“ Want some mentos ?" He asked hesitantly
“ No thanks ." Arching an eyebrow i said sarcastically . He didn't reply though and i felt a little foolish .
It seems he doesn't talk much in person like I've never seen him giggle with his buddies . He is some secretive loner guy kinda person . I've only seen him involve in sports that too in Kho-Kho majorly . We have played several matches together too and must say he's too good for someone who joined just two months ago and hell I've been playing since grade 8 yet slower than him . Damn~

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