Chapter Thirteen

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They spent the rest of the night at the little tinkling waterfall, bashfully washing each other and their new clothes in the water. In the wake of their tender moment, they were both a bit tongue-tied. Though some of that could be owed to the intensity with which they were focusing on washing each other's bodies.

It was Finn's idea initially. She offered to help wash Adi's back and then just kept going to the rest of her when Adi didn't protest.

Finn still couldn't get over how soft Adi's skin was. With the addition of water and soap, it slid across her palms like silk and shone like it as well. She even got her wish of finally handling Adi's ample chest. Her breasts were impressively big and mouth watering in their softness. Finn felt her soul leave her body a little bit when she finally pressed her own hands over them, pressing them up until they overflowed her hands. As an added bonus, she finally got to see Adi's dark skin flush across her cheeks and nose.

When Finn finally could make no plausible excuse to keep rubbing soap over Adi's skin, Adi was quick to take her own turn with the soap. Adi washed Finn with a similar dedication to pressing her deft fingers over every inch of her skin, despite Finn's assurances that she could wash herself fine.

Adi's strong hands running over her own skin had been tantalizing, but it was hard for her to relax into the feeling. Her head was still reeling with questions and worries over what turn their relationship had taken. The secret she was keeping from Adi remained a distant klaxon in her mind that stopped her from fully relaxing into her touch.

Adi's touch was firm and thorough, building an unwilling heat in Finn's head. Her eyes were intent on Finn's body, running soapy hands over her muscular thighs, her flat stomach, and paying maybe too much attention to cleaning her chest. Finn was beet red through the whole cleaning, but it never went any further than inappropriately lingering touches.

After they had declared each other sufficiently cleaned, they pulled out all the clothing they had nicked from the hunters. They gave the clothing such a thorough washing that it was amazing that the old fabric didn't disintegrate under their punishing hands. Adi especially beat the clothing against the rocks with powerful slaps that belied the strong muscles lying beneath her softer shape.

They got more comfortable with each other during the washing, their words coming easier, even if they were limited to the task at hand. Exchanged questions about this stain or that loose thread made up the majority of their grumbled conversation.

Finally, the clothes were washed and hung up on low tree branches to dry. Finn and Adi huddled together well away from the chilly water on a low rock and shared some dried fruit. The awkwardness returned, but at least they were sitting pressed against each other, knee to shoulder. Both of them were shivering slightly, but it was getting closer to dawn and the promise of the sun was slowly warming the surrounding forest.

Finn pulled the backpack closer to her and rummaged around until she found the wax and the soft piece of cloth that went with it. She sat the old dried out bow across her lap and unscrewed the cap on the wax.

Adi watched curiously. "It looks pretty old. You think you can repair it?" she asked.

"I think so," Finn said, eyeing how well the wax was sinking into the wood. So far, it seemed to be taking it pretty well. "It may take a day or two for it to soften up enough that it's safe to use. But, once it is, I can start hunting."

Frowning down at the bow and fidgeting with her fingers, Adi asked, "But you think there's a human town nearby. Once we get there, do you think we'll need the bow?"

Finn looked over at her with raised eyebrows. Adi looked worried, her thick dark brows laying over serious eyes. It took a moment to realize that Adi was worried Finn would have to use the bow on humans, if she were attacked.

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