Chapter Four

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Finn must have passed out at some point while being tortured half to death by the human mage, because the next thing she knew she was becoming aware of the rocking movement of a wagon.

The first thing she felt after that was a crippling headache. It felt like her head had been cracked open, the way it was aching. Her face felt swollen, but when she hesitantly rubbed a hand over it it felt normal enough. When she moved her arm, she realized that even her bones ached. Then, she realized that all her whole body ached. Her joints and bones ached like she had twisted all of them, bruised all her muscles, scraped up all of her skin, everything. Her whole body ached, awareness of the pain washing over her and forcing a moan out her mouth.

She heard some shuffling to her right and realized someone was leaning over her. Long inky black hair, thick and curly poured over the person's shoulder to brush her chest. Finn slowly blinked her aching eyes open, trying to focus on the girl leaning over her. The hair helped Finn identify her as the girl who had been with the chief. The light wherever they were was faint, so it was hard to clearly see her face in the additional gloom cast by her long curtain of hair. Still, Finn could make out those big dark eyes that seemed to broadcast so much emotion. She had the same thick eyebrows as the chief, a similarly short wide nose and dark shapely lips. Where his face was chiseled with a strong jaw, hers was soft and round with full cheeks.

"You're awake," she said quietly.

Finn tried to sit up, but hissed and fell back when that made a shock of pain shoot down her back. The girl made a concerned noise and pressed a hand over Finn's shoulder, her naked shoulder. Which wasn't right. Finn had been wearing a long sleeve tunic before she passed out.

Feeling a knot of dread form in her stomach, Finn carefully raised her head and looked down and, sure enough, her own pale nude body stared back at her. Finn let her head fall back with a thunk and another groan, though this one was of exasperation rather than pain. Trying not to get caught looking, Finn glanced over at the girl who was still looking at her with concern in her big emotive eyes. Even in the low light Finn could see that she was nude too. Her chest was full and sweetly rounded and Finn angrily squeezed her eyes closed before she could make out anything more than that.

"What happened?" Finn groaned, pressing a hand over her eyes.

She could hear the girl shifting beside her and then the hand was gone from her shoulder.

"The humans had a mage with them and she cursed you halfway to hell and back for killing two of their generals," she rumbled, her voice dark and rough. The voice was a bit of a shock, but it made sense, Finn supposed. She was still a kobold even if she was much smaller and cuter than most kobolds Finn had seen.

"Fuck," Finn spat, the memory of that spell washing over her again.

"Yeah," the girl agreed. "After she was done, they trussed us up and tossed us in these carts," she explained.

"After they stripped us?" Finn asked.

When the girl didn't say anything, Finn chanced a glance at her from under her hand. The shame on her face told Finn it was probably best not to question her much regarding that. She could guess why a bunch of angry human soldiers would have stripped them easily enough. She didn't need to make the girl relive it.

"Fuck," Finn sighed again and this time they both stayed silent for a while as the wagon rocked along. With a little rest, the pain started dissipating quickly. Whatever the mage had done, at least the damage had not been permanent.

Once Finn was feeling a little better, she could hear the sound of multiple wagons and horses, the noise of people talking and walking, bags and barrels rocking and smacking together. They must have been in a caravan of humans, though where they were headed was anyone's guess. Inland, at the least.

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