The Death Of A Wolf

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I look at Dan and see him looking at me so I whine quietly making Louis push Dan away then he lays next to me. Making me growl at him then I feel something sharp hit my face making me yelp then I stand and back away quickly from Louis. Then I watch Phil tackle him then I run away into the woods only to hear someone follow me so I look back and see Dan following me. Only for me to speed up then hit something making me look and see two wolves with light brown fur and grey eyes then I mind link "Hey can you guys protect me from Louis?" And they mind link "Sure get behind us." And I nod and run behind them then Dan joins them and says "Louis' not that far behind lets get Harry somewhere safer." And Jack mind links "Whatever you say chief." Then I mind link "Finn can you clean the cuts please?" And the wolf closest to me nods then proceeds to continuously lick my face.
Then I shift and say "Can I ride on your back?" And then Jack mind links "You can ride on mine Harry." And I say back "Thanks Jack." Then I climb up onto his back. Then hold on as the three begin running then by the time the sun sets we reach Jack and Finn's cave and its raining making me sneeze making Dan mind link "You ok Harry?" And I say "Yeah its just from being in the rain to long." Then I let out a louder sneeze. Then Jack walks into the cave then I slide off his back and shift laying down then I feel Finn lay next to me. Then I feel Jack lay on my other side so I look for Dan and see him sitting by the cave's opening then I lay my head on my paws falling asleep.
I look at Phil and say "Did you see Harry's face I can't believe I did that I mean did you see how scared of me he was!!" And Phil says "Calm down now lets go find them and kill them!!" And I nod then shift and watch as Phil shifts them we both start running into the woods.
I wake up to a loud noise outside the cave so I mind link to Jack "Jack wake up there's someone outside!!" And Jack sits up and says "I'll go wake Dan." And then he walks over to Dan and says "Dan there's someone outside." And Dan says "Ok you and Finn keep Harry safe alright." And I see Jack nod then Dan shifts then runs outside. Then I shift laying against the wall making Jack shift and lay next to me making me smile and pet him then I feel water between my legs then a stabbing pain so I say "Jack somethings wrong." And then Finn shifts and pulls my trousers and boxers down then says "Jack there's a baby!!" Then at another contraction I say "Get him out now!!" Then Finn says "Alright Harry on your next contraction push." And I nod then take a deep breath and push.
Screaming out as I feel the baby move then after ten seconds I stop then breath and push again then Finn says "Harry stop the cord's wrapped around his neck!!" And I stop then after two minutes Finn says "Alright Harry push!!" And I let out one more push then crying echos throughout the cave. And then Jack bites the cord off then Finn takes off his shirt and wraps the baby up in it and hands him to me and I take him and smile at him. Then the baby looks at me with grey eyes and I say "I'll name him Jackson Mason Styles." Then Jackson lets out a tiny yawn the relaxes then I also let my eyes drift shut. Only to be woken by a loud growling coming from outside of the cave so I say "Jack can you watch Jackson I'm gonna go check outside." And Finn says "At least let me go with you." And I nod and give Jackson to Jack then shift and walk outside with Finn following.
Only to get tackled by something making me yelp then I look and see blue eyes so I throw Phil off and go into a fighting stance. Then I attack only to get blindsided by Louis into a tree snapping my leg and ankle again making me let out a pained whine. So I look at Louis and see him quickly get off me then he shifts and says "Harry you ok?" And I mind link "No you just re-broke my ankle and broke my leg as well!!" Then I growl at him. And then as Louis rubs one of my ears I flinch noticeably making him say "Don't be scared I ain't going nowhere." And then he shifts and helps me stand then with Louis by my side I start limping back to the cave. Then I lead him inside making Jack growl but I snarl at him making him quiet then I lay in the corner with Louis next to me then I spread my legs out laying on my side my stomach ballooning out.
Then after a hour my leg and ankle heal then a wolf howl breaks the silence then Marcus walks into the cave and mind links "Phil's planning to kill the baby and he got Tyler to help him." And I mind link "Well then lets go save Tyler and Dan." And then I stand. And run out with Jack and Louis following then as we break into a clearing I spot Dan surrounded by Tyler and Phil so I run infront of Dan only to experience a mind numbing pain. Making me start whining then I feel Phil pick me up from behind and press in and down making pain shoot through-out my body making me go limp as he drops me. Then I make eye contact with Louis then I whine softly shifting and then my eyes shut but I'm still breathing then I feel someone drag me to a tree then say softly "Harry wake up." And I open my eyes and see Louis kneeling in front of me so I say "Lou I can't feel them." And Louis says "Can't feel what babe?" And I say "I can't feel my legs."
Then I feel my eyes grow heavy making Louis say "Harry don't shut your eyes." And I say "I just want to sleep." Then I'm suddenly picked up. By someone then I hear Louis say "Caspar put him down!!" Then Caspar says "See you Tomlinson." Then as Caspar disappears I yell "Louis!!" Making Louis shift and follow us. Then I say "What are you going to do with me?!" And Caspar says "I'll heal you in return for one thing." And I say "What?" And he says "You have to be my full on slave and sex slave." And I say "I promise." Then Caspar speeds up and then he jumps over a river. And says "One more thing you'll have to turn into a vampire." And I say "Alright." Then I feel him lay me down someplace dark then he says something and the wolf spirit flies out of me then I feel him bite into my neck and on my bicep and forearm then thighs and lower legs then my other bicep and forearm.
Then I feel my whole body start burning making me scream out then after a few minutes I feel the fire leave my body then I hear my heart beat quicken then slow then finally stop. As my eyes turn a bright red color so I stand then say "Lets hunt some wolves." And Caspar says "Yeah buddy." And then we both take off running towards the river. And jumping over it then running towards the clearing and as I run into the clearing I see Louis fighting Phil so I walk over to them and say "Oh Lou." And Louis looks at me and runs toward me then I notice Dan following so I say to Louis "Get out of here while you can and protect my baby for me Lou." And Louis nods and runs into the woods. Then I look back at Dan and crouch down into a hunting stance as Dan growls at me then as he looks me in the eyes he falls writhing in pain.
Then I pounce on him grabbing him from behind then biting into his neck making him let out a pained bark. Attracting Phil's attention then I drop Dan only for him to lash out at me hitting the side of my face with his claws creating four bright red permanent scars. Then I jump on him grabbing him from behind then pulling down I hear a satisfying cracking sound making Dan go limp. So I drop him watching the light fade from his eyes then I think quickly before healing him then he stands shifts and says "Harry what happened to you?" And I say "Caspar." Then Dan says "What did he do?" And I say "He turned me into his personal sex slave and changed me!!" And then Dan says "I'm going to kill him." Then I hear Caspar say "Harry come!!" And I say "Dan can you pretend to kill me?" And he nods then shifts then pounces on me knocking me out.
Then I hear Dan growl the tear something apart so I open my eyes and see Caspar lying on the ground with his head ripped off. So I say "Good job Dan." Then I pet him between the ears then a loud howl breaks the silence so I say "Dan that was Lou." And then we both take off running. Breaking into another clearing and I scan the area only to see Louis unmoving on the ground making my eyes widen as I run over to him then I kneel next to him and say "Lou wake up." And he opens his eyes and says "Hey babe wait what happened to your eyes?" And I say "Caspar turned me and also made me be his personal sex slave!!" And then I start crying making Louis pull me into a hug making me wince then he says "Harry?" And I say "Like I said." Then Louis pins my arms over my head while kissing me while sitting inbetween my legs. Making me kick him in the dong then he looks at me then I whisper "Please don't hurt me."
Then he says "Harry babe I'm so sorry!!" Then I hear someone say "Harry come now!!" And I sit up and say "I gotta go!!" Then I run away only for Louis to run infront of me. Then he says "Harry no." And I say "Please Lou if I don't go now he'll find me and kill both of us." Then Louis says "Please Harry I'll protect you." And I say "Fine!!" Then we both start running back to where Jack and Finn are. Only for me to run out of breath slowing down. Making Louis stop and say "You ok Harry?" And I say "Y-Yeah I-I'm f-fine." So Louis says "Hop on." And I climb onto his back. Only to let out a loud sneeze so Louis breaks into a run then I let out another sneeze then we reach the cave only for me to fall asleep then Louis shifts and catches me. So I let out a smaller sneeze making Louis hold me to his chest tighter for the warmth as I start shaking then he says "You ok?" And I only let out a sneeze in reply. Then I feel water between my legs making me shift a little.
Then I feel Louis set me down then I hear him say "Harry wake up." And I open my eyes and say "Lou I think its time." And he looks at my pants. And says "Alright." Then he pulls my pants and boxers down then says "On your next contraction push." And I nod then push. Pausing to take a breath then I continue to push again then Louis guides the baby out then uses his wolf teeth to cut the cord. Then I say "Baby Jemma." And then I feel my breathing slowing so I say "Lou." And I look at him and he looks at me and he says "Yeah Harry?" And I say "Hospital." And he nods then Jack and Finn walk inside and then I pull my pants and boxers up then I feel Louis pick both me and the baby up then wrap me in a blanket then I feel him climb onto Jack. Then I let out a cough so Louis says "Harry are you alright?" And I say "No."
Then I feel his hand on my forehead then he taps Jack twice on the head making him run faster then we reach the road. And then I look up at Louis and he looks at me and smiles then I rest my head on his shoulder and eventually fall asleep only to hear a car screeching so I open my eyes and see all four of us get hit straight on by the Range Rover. Then I suddenly can't breathe so I cough out "L-Lou." Then I feel him pull me into his arms so I say "H-Hurts L-Lou." And he says "I know baby just hold on." And I look at him then say "H-Help." And Louis says "Jack call for help." And Jack says "Alright." Then he pulls out his phone. Then Louis says "Harry focus on me." And I look at him only for my eyes to shut then I feel Louis start shaking me only for me to lay motionless then I hear sirens then I feel someone pick me up and place me on something then I feel someone grip my hand tightly. Then I feel someone wheel me inside and to a room then I feel Louis take my hand again.
Then I hear the doctor say "Louis apparently Harry's suffering from a collapsed lung a broken arm and ribs and also has stage 3 pancreatic cancer." And then Louis says "When will he wake up?" And the doctor says "Hard to tell depends on if his lung heals correctly but until then he'll be kept on a ventilator to help him breathe easier." Then I hear Louis say "Alright." Then I hear Louis say "Harry can you hear me show me that you can hear me." And I almost un-noticably squeeze his hand making him say "Harry I love you so much please just wake up for a minute." And I open my eyes wincing at the harsh light shutting them. Then I hear footsteps then the light goes away so I open my eyes again and see Louis next to me so I say weakly "Lou." And he says "Harry your awake." And I say "Yeah I know." Then I start coughing. So Louis adjusts the mask making my coughing stop then the doctor walks in and says "Well it seems that his lung's healing good and that he can be released to a Mrs. Taylor Swift."
And at that the monitor picks up so Louis says "Harry is there something you want to tell me?" And I say "Taylor she abused me remember when management made me date her?" And Louis says "Yeah." And I say "Well she knew I was going to your new years party she told management to send me to New York to spend new years with her then she abused me." And I roll up my sleeve revealing burns and cuts and bruises. Then the doctor says "Harry who do you want to be released to?" And I say "Louis." And the doctor nods then says "Alright you'll get released in 3 days." And I nod and let my eyes shut again falling asleep. Then I suddenly start choking as my lung collapses again making my breathing become shallow and raspy then Louis says "Harry you ok?" And I say "Get the doctor." Then my breathing stops.
So Louis says "Harry open your eyes!!" And I open them looking at him as my heart struggles as well as my lungs then Louis puts the mask over my face. Helping me to catch my breath again then I say softly "Lou get the doctor." And he nods and presses the call button and a nurse walks in. And says "Now what's wrong here?" And Louis says "His lung collapsed again." Then the nurse nods and helps me sit up and then turns the ventilator up a notch. So I get more air into my lungs making the collapsed one heal more. Then I start coughing wincing in pain as I cough then I suddenly cough up blood making Louis say "Harry you ok?!" And I say "N-No I-I'm N-Not." Going slack my head falling to the side then Louis says "Harry!! Harry wake up!!" And I just lay there still and not moving as the monitor lets out one long flat note.
I'm sitting outside of Harry's room waiting for some news on him then at footsteps I look up and see his doctor so I say "How is he? And he says "We did everything we could but it wasn't enough he's gone." And I say "Can I say goodbye." And he nods and I walk in and see Harry on the bed still and snow white. So I walk over to him and take his hand and say "I'll never let go Harry I'll never let go." Then I kiss him then walk out then I'm struck with questions by Jack and Finn so I say "Guys he's dead." Then we all walk out and to the forest so I shift and start walking aimlessly. Making Jack whine so I follow them slowly making them both continue walking as I follow halfhearted then we reach the cave and I walk inside laying down as my eyes glass over then I suddenly start crying silently so Jack shifts and says "Lou you ok?" And I mind link "Do I look ok Jack!?" Making him flinch then he says "Don't worry we'll be here for you." Then I let out a pained whine making him pet my neck making me cry harder as I let out a heartbroken howl.
So Finn shifts and says "Want me to go get Dan and Phil?" And I see Jack nod so Finn shifts and runs out of the cave. Then I see another wolf walk in with russet fur and golden brown eyes then I hear a familiar voice say "So where's Louis?" And I perk up at Harry's voice. Then I say "I'm right here." And he looks at me and then walks over to me. And so I try to stand only to collapse so Harry shifts and I see his hairs longer and his body's littered with tattoos and his jawline is more hard. Then he says "Whats wrong Lou?" And I say "I can't feel my legs." Making Harry freeze then I shift and say "Must be from the crash." And then Dan and Phil run in and Jack says "Louis apparently you have crohn's disease it will go away." And then after a minute the numbness fades away. Then I say "Harry cuddle with me." And he gathers me into his arms me falling asleep as Harry plays with my hair. Only to be woken by Harry growling so I look and see Harry's wolf growling territorially at Tyler so I stand and walk uneasily to Harry calming him.
Only to get tackled by Marcus making me growl as he goes to rip my throat out so I say "Harry." And he looks at me then growls and tackles Marcus. Then I stand only to have Harry let out a pained yelp making Marcus jump away from him then I shift and growl at Marcus then we both run at each other then start fighting.
I look at Louis and see his wolf fighting Marcus so I try to walk over to them only to collapse then Jack runs over to me as I shift. And I say "I think the cancers back." And Jack says "You'll be okay Harry." Then helps me walk over to the corner then helps me sit down. And I say "I've chosen not to do chemo." And Jack says "Seriously?!" And I say "Yeah I want to die peacefully and naturally." And then Louis chases Marcus off then walks over to me and shifts then says "Your cancers back." And I say "Yeah but don't worry Lou I'll be here as long as I can be even if I do get extremely weak." Then I get a strong pain in my stomach making my body tense so Louis says "You OK Harry?" And I say yeah it's just a symptom of the cancer." Then he pulls me into his arms then we both fall asleep. Then I'm woken by Jack growling so I open my eyes and see Marcus and Tyler so I say "Jack down boy." My voice hoarse so Jack stops then walks back over to Finn.
So Marcus and Tyler walk in then shift and Marcus says "Harry you OK?" And I say "As well as I could be I have cancer." And Tyler says "What kind?" And I say "Pancreatic stage 3." Then I suddenly feel sick so I say "Lou." And he wakes up and then turns my head blocking everyone as I'm sick. Then he rubs my bloated tummy making me sigh at how tight it is then I nuzzle my head into Louis' chest and neck then my abdomen flares up making me whine. At how stronger it is so I say "Lou I think I need to go to hospital." Then he nods and helps me stand only for my abdomen to flare up again making my legs give out. And making Louis catch me then he says "Guys this is getting life threatening its never been this bad before." Then I say "Lou everything hurts." And he says "I know baby just don't let go." And I say "I'll never let go." And then another wave of red hot pain leaves me screaming while clutching my stomach.
Barely fighting to hold on so Louis says "Harry hold on." And I say "But it's so hard." And I feel my eyes get heavy. So Louis says "Tyler your a vampire right?" And Tyler says "Yeah why?" And Louis says "You need to get Harry to the hospital." And Tyler says "Oh my goodness gracianious." Then I feel him pick me up making me say "Lou no stay let go." And then my breathing slows. Then I hear Tyler say "Just hold on Harry." As he takes off running then I feel another blinding pain making me cry out then I mink link Louis weakly "I'll see you in the after life." And then my whole body pales as my soul fades from my body yet my hearts still barely beating as my breathing stops. Then Tyler says "Harry wake up." Then I say "Want Lou." Then Tyler drops me so I shift then run back to the cave.
Then Louis says "Harry what are you doing here?" And I say "I told you I'm not going to hospital no matter what." Then I shift. Walking to the corner then laying down then Louis lays down next to me as I start shivering so Louis wraps me in a bunch of blankets then Jack wheels in a IV and a heart monitor which Louis hooks up to me. Then I fall asleep on Louis' shoulder then I hear him say "He's gonna die I know he is." Then I cough then feel Louis start rubbing my wavy curls. Then my abdomen flares up again making me whine then I feel him inject painkillers into my IV tube then I open my eyes looking at Louis as the strongest pain ever ripples through my body. Making me whimper then Louis rubs my tummy making me sigh then whimper at an unbelievably strong pain then my heart rate plummets. Then my body temperature lowers immensely making my lips turn blue and my eyes turn from green to grey then Louis says "Harry can you hear me angel?" And I say weakly "Lou." Then start coughing up blood.
While looking at him dazed then I say "I love you." Then Louis says "Hold on angel." And I nod then fall asleep. Then I feel Louis pick me up then climb onto Marcus then I feel Marcus start running making me whimper then I hear Louis say muffled "Hold on angel." Then I feel my heart stop as my breathing stops. Then I hear Louis say "You ok angel?" Then I feel Marcus stop then I feel Louis shake me a little. Then he says "Angel wake up." Then I feel him lift my upper body then say "Looks like my angels a real angel now."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2015 ⏰

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