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Additional characters:
Jian (1997) & Zihao (2000) - her brothers
Jiaqi (2004) - I wonder who she is 🤔

Additional characters: Jian (1997) & Zihao (2000) - her brothers Jiaqi (2004) - I wonder who she is 🤔

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Xinyi was seven when they met.

Her curious brown wide eyes peered over the windowsill, blinking at the sight in front of her, the voices gaining her attention in the first place.

She had been playing in the living room, dolls strewn around like it was her own playroom. The dolls were momentarily forgotten though.

Xinyi watched silently, her gaze taking in the scene unfolding, the car that had pulled up to house opposite had her mother rushing over.

Her mother had never looked so excited, Xinyi was confused as to why she was crying even though she had a bright smile on her face as she hugged the woman that climbed out of the car with equal enthusiasm.

She tilted her head as she watched, wondering who the woman was.

"Hey." The rough, dominating voice accompanied by a light tug on one of her pigtails to get her attention had diverted her focus to her Father. She looked behind her, finding him moving her dolls away from the sofa, grabbing a bottle of an alcoholic drink and sitting down on the sofa. "Go help your Mum say hi to the neighbours."

Xinyi looked back out at the window, listening to her Father well as she made her way outside.

Just as she had crossed the road and stopped behind her Mother, her eyes found themselves on the movement of the car door opening.

Her curious brown eyes widened even more as a boy around her age stepped out of the car. His jet-black hair was neatly combed, and his eyes were bright and curious, just like hers. He held a small toy airplane in his hand, and for a moment, their gazes locked.

"Oh, you must be Xinyi!" The woman gasped in excitement but Xinyi cowered and hid behind her Mother.

"This is Chenle," her mother's voice broke through her thoughts, filled with warmth and excitement. "And this is my best friend, Mrs. Zhong."

Chenle's mother smiled kindly, her eyes crinkling at the corners.
"Hello, Xinyi! It's so nice to finally meet you."

Xinyi shifted her weight from one foot to the other, shyness creeping in on her.
"Hi," she said softly, her voice barely loud enough.

Chenle stepped forward, a smile tugging at his lips.
"Hi," he echoed, holding out his toy airplane. "Do you want to play?"

Xinyi blinked, momentarily taken aback. Her heart fluttered in her chest, a strange, warm feeling spreading through her.

Never goodbye ⇸ Zhong Chenle Where stories live. Discover now