chapter seven, does caleb have a crush?

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        What I saw shook me to the core. A human, no a deer, wait, a human with small deer antlers a tail and black eyes? Well, not fully black eyes, they were a gold ring around the pupil, his eye color I guess. He was wearing a red white and black flannel shirt and jeans with a hole in them. Hello, are you cattlynn? You look a lot like caleb."

      I didn't speak for a moment, I thought I saw everything. Yet right in front of me, was a human deer, I guess. That's when it hit me, how does he know my brother? "How do you know caleb?" I asked, thinking maybe he was a stalker or something.

    He looked around my age, maybe a year younger. "He's my best friend, I'm travis, nice to meet you cattlynn." I was so confused that I hadn't even notice delta right next to him her happy puppy smile on her face. "Could you control your partner please? He just tried to attack me."

     I looked over at delta, who looked like the happiest creature alive. "Uh what do you mean look at HER." "Oh I'm sorry for assuming her gender, but do you know anything about partners?" I took afense to that, even though I didn't. "They act like this when their master is around but around others, they act like the shadow monsters they are."

    Oh, that makes sense I guess. "I'm going to be heading back to my brothers house." "Can I come? I haven't seen caleb in a while." I shook my head yes and we started walking away.

"Ugh there you are cattlynn, I was looking everywhere for you. You aren't supposed to to be going into the forest without me. Breakfast is ready, now you shouldn't-" he shut up really fast as soon as he saw travis. "T Travis hi I I I I didn't know you were coming over.."


Have a good day/night

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