the perfect mate

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Minho let out a soft whine as he slowly blinked himself awake. The room was cloaked in darkness, signaling that it was likely well past midnight. Instinctively, he reached out with his paws, seeking reassurance that he wasn't alone. His touch quickly found Jisung, who was lying sprawled out beside him, providing the comfort of familiar presence.

He prodded Jisung countless times until he was finally rolling over. Minho ignored his exhausted groans and grabbed Jisung's arms. He wrapped the other's arms around him and pressed his back flush against Jisung.

His long bunny ears perked up when the arms around him tightened. He wished Jisung woke up though. He didn't really want to interrupt his slumber, he just couldn't bear the pain of his heat anymore.

It was the bunny's first heat since he and Jisung had started dating. He wasn't exactly sure what Jisung was okay with in this situation. He wants to just fuck himself senseless on Jisung's dick while he's sleeping, but he can't overstep any boundaries.

He whined quietly, pressing his paws to his eyes, really wishing they had already had a conversation about this. He shoved his ass closer to Jisung's crotch, hoping his flicking tail would do something.

He felt his world brighten when he finally felt more movement from the other. He bit down on his bottom lip as Jisung subtly rubbed himself on the bunny's behind. Minho was painfully sensitive from his heat and that simple movement was already making his boner grow.

Jisung's movements weren't stopping either. He was still rutting against Minho, and it was getting hard to contain all of his noises. His lip must already be bleeding from how hard he's been biting it.

Minho felt his underwear becoming increasingly damp with each passing second. His cock was leaking and there was too much slick coming out of him. It all felt way too overwhelming. He shivered when he finally realized just how hard Jisung was too.

The empty feeling inside him was starting to become too much to handle. It was painful how close Jisung's cock was to his hole, but not quite there. He couldn't help but let his whimpers freely leave his mouth now. He didn't intend for the whines to turn into desperate wails though.

He only wailed louder when the movement behind him ceased. His eyes widened when Jisung's palm was suddenly covering Minho's mouth. He whipped his head around, turning his attention to Jisung's half-opened eyes and scruffy hair.

Jisung was squinting at him while keeping a harsh grip on his hip, "Minho, our walls aren't soundproof. What the hell is going on?"

Minho shuffled around in the bed until he was facing Jisung. His ears pressed flat against his head and he stared at Jisung with pleading eyes, "Please, Jisung, I can't take it anymore."

Jisung shook his head as his brow furrowed, "Take what? What in the world are you talking about?"

Minho let his bottom lip jut out as he gripped Jisung's wrist and led it down to his hardened dick. He watched with a pout as his eyes widened. Jisung's hand slowly trailed down his clothed shaft and squished his thigh. Minho's leg was already dripping with slick. Jisung's eyes slowly widened with realization as his hand caressed the damp area.

"A-are you in heat?" Jisung asked while still playing around with Minho's slick.

Minho looked at him through his lashes, "Does it seem like I am?"

He didn't wait for a response, he just threw himself atop Jisung's lap. He watched as Jisung propped himself up on his elbows and stared up at him. Minho trailed one of his paws slowly along the pronounced muscles of his long neck. He felt as Jisung gulped with anticipation.

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