chapter.. 17: what da hell

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Guys. I kinda changed the story because it's getting out of place. Sooo.. The one who captured the search team is lunar.

Attention! Boboiboy is owned and originated by Animonsta Studios/Monsta! None of the characters are mine!!


The big doors closed as lunar stepped out of the darkness. Chains and weapons are everywhere. Artifacts's glasses are destroyed but the actual artifacts is still intact. But so differently, lunar's eyes are black and emotionless.

Lunar : welcome boboiboy. Looks like we have uninvited guests here.

Boboiboy and his friends stepped back. Boboiboy is more scared than ever(the king felt true fear-).

Boboiboy : Lunar?! What are you doing here?! I thought you followed metal!

Lunar folds his hands before he reply.

Lunar : Rev instructed me to be here and capture everyone who gets in. And looks like you all are stucked here too.

The darkness feels more violent as lunar said that. The darkness also thickens up making everything went black. They felt as there were chains on their hands and feet. As they look down and see their arms, they were right. There are black chains. But boboiboy got a different treatment. He got grabbed upwards and then moving to a different spot. As for the rest, they fall to the ground kneeling. The chains are too powerful to resist. And the chains are tightened too

Fang : ugh! Boboiboy!

Gopal : ahh!! Mama papa!!

Yaya : these chains are too hard to destroy!

As for ying? She tried to escape using force but still fails.

Yaya : wait! Isn't this shadows? Fang! You could manipulate shadows right?

Fang used his powers. It works, but only for a moment. And it used ¼ of his energy.

Fang let out the others. But since it took a lot of energy, he faints for 5 minutes.

Gopal is carrying fang, Ying leads and yaya is preparing to crush lunar with rocks(rip lunar if that's true💀).

They have been searching for 15 minutes after fang wakes up. (5+15=20 minutes) but yet, no sign of boboiboy and the search team. They thought that lunar must've took boboiboy and the search team somewhere but not in the place. So, they search for the exit door. They found one as an emergency for "extermination".

They followed the trail to go out and they are free. No more thick darkness. But, where did boboiboy and the search team went?


The night is coming. Because the sun is sinking down, lunar's powers are more powerful than at afternoon. Usually, lunar's weakness is light since he's one of darkness. And that's why he is the rival of solar.

Reverse : oh. You don't have to carry him like that.

Lunar is carrying boboiboy but his carrying style is just- he only pick up boboiboy's right feet with his shadow tentacles and then drag him. Unfortunately, while he is being dragged, he got knocked out by lunar because he was very 'noisy'(he was screaming for help) .

Lunar : this thing is very noisy. How do you even shut him without knocking him out?

The rest of the elements are there, playing. When lunar opened his mouth(yk when he starts talking) every element got in to the room that lunar is. (Ik my grammar is bad but bear with me🥲) They immediately sweatdropped as they saw how lunar picking up boboiboy.

Reverse : it's very easy, just say to him that we will make a chicken curry for him, even though that is a lie. Just put him in his room.

Lunar : where exactly?

Reverse : you are one of boboiboy's element and you don't know where is it?! Of course it's- just follow me. I am not good at giving directions.

(Do you know where are they at? The spaceship where he shares a room with Gopal yk. And also lunar got into the spaceship because reverse 'jemput'(pick up) him.)


The rest of the KG(kokotiam gang) are in their space ship. Not knowing that they absolutely gonna regret searching for them in space. LIKE BRO. IMAGINE HOW BIG AND WIDE IS SPACE?! AND IT'S AN ENTIRE DUCKING GALAXY. but luckily they visited other passive creatures such as- tok kasa, and other people yk.

Gopal : searching for them is very tiringgggg(plak)

Ying : dey! What if reverse do something to boboiboy?!

Yaya : we have to find the Admirals and boboiboy! If we're late..

Fang : this whole galaxy will be in grave danger.

But VERY FORTUNATELY- they found rev's spaceship after 2 hours yayyyy!!!! So, they colonized- pftt 'colonized'.. I meant sneak into Rev's spaceship. They explore it for 30 minutes and found the search team in the space jail thingy. There is also commander, admiral tarung, and other aliens. They are conscious. Fang and yaya let them out successfully. (Ain't no way I'm gonna explain how they found them and how they get them out💀) the search team, and the rest get into fang's spaceship. Before the gang is in the search for boboiboy. Mechamato actually want participate to search for him but quickly got declined by mechabot.

Meanwhile the gang is looking for oboi, not aware that someone is stalking them, they were almost caught by metal and tech. And it looks like boboiboy is talking with them. Did boboiboy easily forget about them? Wait no, how boboiboy talks to them it's like hes worried or, anxious to speak to them. And by hearing the topic, metal and tech are talking about 'what if you join us in being evil? ' kind of topic. But thankfully, boboiboy declines it but still. The twins are talking about it.

The gang is planning about kidnapping boboiboy. But little did they know, someone listened to their plan... After the gang finished they plan, someone screamed. Oh, it's just boboiboy being jumpscared by Aura. But Aura isn't here for playing, he's here for telling the gang's plan. Though, he didn't say it to boboiboy. Yet. So, Aura told the twins.

Approximately, 1000 words.

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