Chapter 1

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Mom!! I really need to go now. I don't want to be late!' I said quickly to her. 'Love you, bye.' I hung up the phone and quickly walked down the stairs. I ran to the bus and I was just in time. I brushed my hair behind my ears.

I sighed from running. I walked through the bus and sat next to a lady. The bus stopped where I needed to be, I looked up and down because the building was high and big. I walked in nervously.

It was nerve racking. My heels made noise on the smooth hard floor and everyone looked at me. I walked to the counter and put my hands on the table. "I'm a new employee for boss Clarke Edwards." I said enthusiastically. The woman nodded softly and nervously as if something was wrong.

'His office is on the 5th floor. Yours is on the 4th floor. Good luck!' She said nicely as I gave a smile. I walked to the elevator and clicked the button when someone was behind me. 'New here?' Someone said in a deep voice. "Yeah.." I was quiet because I don't want to make a bad impression.

'Are you Emma Barnhill?' I agreed softly. 'We are working together.' He said kindly but dryly. 'I really didn't know that.' I said that in a sarcastic voice. He swallowed and said

'Not like that, we work together with two people, we have different categories. We are the highest, so together we are managers of everyone.' I looked at him and said ashamedly 'I know.' You walked out of the elevator with him and he walked with you. You stopped in front of the boss's door and said

"You really don't have to come with me--" You stopped and added. 'Co worker.' You said soon after as you knocked on the door. 'Come in.' He screamed.

'Good morning, I'm Emma Barnhill.' I didn't know what to say. 'Well, nice to meet you Miss Barnhill. Here is a folder with information in it or you can always ask your colleague James.'

I smiled softly and he handed me the folder as I say 'Thank you.' I walked away and went to the elevator to look for my office. James walked along 'Here is your office. We sit opposite each other.' I nodded and walked into my office.

I was looking in the closets and searching my office when someone said my name 'Miss. Barnhill your mother brought these 2 boxes of stuff in.'

You took it and placed it on your desk and said "Thank you." You decorated everything quickly but someone was looking at you the whole time. It was James. I fired up my laptop and started exploring everything. 

James put all the documents on my desk and walked away. 'Hey! What is this? You said noticeably with your eyebrows furrowed. He stopped and said as he adjusted his tie. "Your work to get done."

I worked and worked and quickly went to the kitchen to make my dinner and tea so I could start again as quickly as possible. 'Is this always this much?' I said irritated but softly. 'Stress?' James asked as he made coffee. 'No.' You said calmly even though I wasn't. 'You should drink coffee.'

'No thanks, I'm not a coffee person.' You walked away with your hands full and walked quickly and put everything down on your desk. A little later I was done and I collapsed in my chair from the neck pain that the documents gave me.

I cleaned and tidied everything up and shut down your computer. I grabbed my bag, put my phone in it and walked out of my office. You had the documents in my hands and you put them in James' office. You walked away and he said 'Nice work.' You nodded and walked away.

A little later I was back home and took off my heels. That was a blessing. I plopped down on the couch and took off my suit. I quickly walked to bed and went straight to sleep.

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