Chapter 2

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It's early in the morning. It's 7am and I'm looking at myself in the mirror. The cold water that cleaned my face was good. I simply put on make-up and, still in my pajamas, walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of cereal and milk.

I was sitting on the chair when I opened my phone and saw all kinds of messages from my mother. I sighed deeply and ate the cereal. I put on my clothes, put on my heels and grabbed my car, which still had stuff in it for the office. The 2 boxes that were full were not enough.

I put it in the car and drive to work, I parked underneath and took the elevator to the fourth floor. It was pretty silent here. I walked into my ofice and saw James sitting across from me. I put everything in one place and walked out of the office to the desk on my floor to pick up my work that I have to do today.

I was walking back to my office when I suddenly saw James sitting in my guest chair. 'You scared me.' I said catching my breath. 'Can I do something for you?' He refused.

He stood up and walked to my desk and put his hands on my desk and leaned across from me. 'I want to inform you about some things.'
'Go ahead.' I said as I tapped the documents straight on the desk and placed them neatly.

He didn't start talking so I looked at him with a come-on face. 'So, the meetings are always on a Friday and a Wednesday. More often on a Friday than on a Wednesday. We both often have to take the lead, the boss checks the work that we both have done. On Fridays we have to check all the work of our employees.'

'The boss can often also come by to see if you are doing your job. He's a difficult man. I wouldn't look for any problems with it.' He nodded and looked at me again if I understood.

He walked away and I opened the drawer to grab my diary and write down what he said. He kept looking at me with his deep green eyes and his angry look.

He was quite handsome but he seemed more like a mafia guy than someone who works here. The work phone rang and I answered. 'Hello you're speaking with Emma Barnhill. How can I help you?'

A little later I hung up and quickly walked to the boss with my paper. I knocked on the door, he looked at me in surprise and I started.

'Boss, I got a phone call from Jessica Thompson, she wanted to talk to us today at 4 o'clock. You, James and I.' I said nervously, he stood up and walked towards me. 'What does she want?' He said in a rough tone.

"She wanted to discuss things with us about the company but she didn't say what." He nodded and said 'Okay, will you inform James please? The conversation will take place in the meeting room.'

I walked to James' office to inform him. "Jessica Thompsen?" He repeated. I nodded questioningly, why was everyone acting so suspicious. He swallowed and rubbed his face with his hands, "I will call her to inform her where the conversation will take place."

He nodded and said quickly. The conversation was over, 2 people were fired for not doing a good job for Jessica Thompson's company. She was very fussy and James seemed very embarrassed and uncomfortable there.

You took the documents that the 2 old employees had made for Mrs. Thompsen because I had to make a copy for her. I gave it to her and she thanked me.

A little while later I was back at work at my desk and suddenly James came storming in. He slammed the door and glared at me. 'What have you done?' I looked at him confused and he started raising his voice.

'I asked you one thing, and you didn't listen.' I was shocked and looked at him confused and you shook your head and put your hands on the table and stood up. 'I did nothing, James. The boss asked me to make a copy from the documents and I gave it to her. I did my work what he asked me to do. So don't bother your voice at me.'

You said angrily but calmly. 'I don't know what's going on, but it's certainly something I have nothing to do with.' I gave him the documents I made the copy of and he took it. "I- sorry for my behavior." He quickly walked away and closed the door again.

Finally after a while I finished work. I had a meeting tomorrow so I prepared everything I would need. I grabbed my bag and walked out of my office, closed it and walked away. I was walking past the counter when someone called my name.

'Miss. Barnhill, you have a dinner planned at 7 o'clock with Mrs. Thompsen.' I looked confused and carefully walked to the counter and got the card. 'Wha- but I haven't planned anything with her. But thank you.'

I walked away to the elevator to go to my car which was in the garage. 'What's that?' Someone asked in a voice I had heard before. I turned around as James walked behind me. 'Nothing.' I opened my door and put my bag on the passenger seat.

'Well it's a card that says I'm invited to dinner.' He looked at me and he stood stiff. 'With who?' I gave him a dirty look and said, "That's none of your business." He nodded and said "It's definitely Jessica." I ignored him and got in the car and started the car. He quickly walked to my window and tapped on my window.

'Do not go. You're going to regret it.' He said with a serious look. 'I have to go.' I pulled out the back and closed my window. I parked on a street close to the restaurant and Mrs. Thompsen was already waiting for me. 'Hello Emma, ​​nice to have you here.'

We were taken to a table and we ordered something for each. 'I wanted to thank you with dinner because you are new here and have done a very good job.' I smiled kindly. She was a little older than me I think.

"What's it like working with James?" she asked curiously. I ate my bite quickly and replied, "It's alright not so special." I said honestly. She nodded as she took a sip of her wine. 'Well that's great.' She smiled briefly and looked at me. 'You get along well with our company.' I said nicely. She nodded joyfully and said 'Yeah.'

'You know-' She paused and began 'James is a nice guy, but he is quite dry. He is sometimes arrogant or mean but he has been through a lot. He doesn't have much emotion, let me say that. But you need to give him time.'

'I don't think he wants to be mean to people. But I don't know actually. I don't want to talk bad about him. But just to let you know.'

She was a nice woman, that's what she seemed like. I don't know why James said to me that I can't go with her to dinner. We talked a lot and suddenly someone came walking towards us. First I didn't know who that was but how closer he came how easy it was to recognize him.

"What are you-" It was James, he put money on the table and lifted me up. 'James, let her go.' Jessica said angrily. 'I will not accept the fact you are going to talk to her and try to convince my boss employee to work for you.'

Jessica looked at him and said 'We were just talking having a normal womans converstation, you idiot.' He walked away angrily and I said 'James let me go. I don't like this.' He stopped when we were standing next to a car. As I was put in a car and he began 'You know it.'

'Know what?' What did he ask me as if I could read his mind?

"Listen, I really don't want to get in trouble with you, James. I just want to do my job, and that's all I care about. I don't know anything okay?"

He nodded and said, " Jessica was my ex-fiance, so don't talk to her please. I don't want her to tell lies about our company or me. Or our boss." My face turned like ice, I didn't answer.

I looked at him and looked at the cardoor. Then I made something clear 'I didn't know she left a message to have together diner and I didn't want to come if I may be onest, she asked me. I don't want to deal with your problems James I rather stay away from that, I'm sorry that that happend but I wanna go.' I said pleasingly. 'Oh yh, my apologies. Yes, you can go.' He said when I get out of the car.

'Wait!' He yelled. 'Do you need a ride home?' I shake my head and said 'No thanks.'

From me the writer. :

Do I need to make paragraphs shorter? Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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