Chapter 1

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Hello people! HOW IN THE NAME OF HADES DOES THIS ALREADY HAVE 8 READS!? THANK U SOOOOOO MUCH DUDE IVE NEVER BEEN SO HAPPY IN A LOOONG TIME. So sorry for the wait. It was my brother's b'day and i write at night but i couldn't bc i immediately crashed after that. Also i was made class monitor of an uncontrollable class ;-;.

Me being my indecisive self wants to change a thing abt the ground rules. Connor is still pan but remove the gay umbrella thing. If something is wrong with the events which occur, pls tell me since, like i said, i skim-read toa and you all have the right to kill me for doing that.

And now, the actual story.

Malcolm's POV

I was working on a blue print when one of my siblings came to inform me that I have to meet Chiron at the Big House in 10 minutes. I thanked her and she then went back to do whatever she was doing. There has been so much work these days with the other cabins asking for renovations and also designing the shrines for the minor gods with Jason gone to help Apollo with the quest(a/n: correct me here). And training. I sighed and then tried to make myself more presentable since I was going outside my cabin, which nowadays I only do for meals because, well, work. I soon headed out and reached the Big House just in time.

Connor's POV

I had been called to Chiron's office because I stole something. And that something was Drew's make-up kit. (take that, Drew). I had already arrived in Chiron's office, waiting for him to come. It is very boring these days. Travis was at college with Katie, Leo was at the waystation(a/n: do these people know? pls correct me ;-;), Jason had gone to help Apollo, Will and Nico were always together and Percy and Annabeth have also gone to college(a/n: i have also not read the chalice of the gods, so correct me). So yeah, pretty boring. Chiron then walked in with Malcolm. Yes, Malcolm Pace, my crush. Even though I had no hope he would like me back. Typical of me. My ears were most probably red. Malcolm looked tired though, as if he'd been up all night.

To summarize the meeting so you won't die of boredom, as my punishment, I have to help Malcolm with the blue-prints of the Aphrodite cabin renovation. Oh, boy. Working with Malcolm, who happens to be my crush. My nerves just can't. But I agreed, of course, because Malcolm is my crush. I know. Very weird. We agreed on a time and place to meet up to work on the blue-prints, which was tomorrow, fifteen minutes after Lunch in the Athena cabin, since most of the people there had gone back home. Why fifteen minutes later, you may ask. That's because both of us have cabins to look after. Perks of being the head councilor of a cabin. After the meeting was over, the three of us went back to what we were doing and for me, that was being bored in the Hermes cabin.

A/N: So there u go. The first chapter of this fanfic. How was it? I want to know. Btw, thank u guys sooo much for reading what I write. Now, question. What should i call u guys?

See u in the next chapter which i think will be out by sunday or monday, i have no idea bc guess what, school.

Till then, good bye :D

- the worst author in the world

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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